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Max Topic in The Credit Debacle Catalog

Mad Max (6); mad Max Check (2); Mad Max economic phase (1); Mad Max Revolution (2); Mad Max speculative boom created false demand (1); Max Keiser (2); Max Keiser discusses (1); Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (1); Wall Street commentator Max Keiser (1).

Mon 2010-07-19 16:30 EDT

US gripped with offshore economy

Jobs are becoming scarcer and scarcer particularly in the United States. Is it cyclical or is it structural? Is it something that America has completely turned its back on in a way that could potentially be a factor for decades going forward? Max Keiser discusses this issue with Dr. Paul Craig Roberts...Keiser: Andy Grove, the co-founder of Intel has just written an opinion piece for Bloomberg that has totally vindicated your long held argument against outsourcing American jobs...What is left in the arsenal to fight for jobs? Roberts:Nothing, one of the reasons they like offshoring is to destroy the unions so that's one of the reasons free market economists and corporations are so keen on offshoring, it destroys the unions...the only jobs that have been created in the 21st century in America are domestic service jobs like waiters, bartenders, hospital orderlies, construction workers, real estate, they are continuing to lose manufacture jobs, and not creating jobs for scientists and engineers and this has now been going on for a decade...What the US is going through is a process of disdevelopment of becoming an undeveloped economy; it's the opposite of economic development going on in the US...

grip; Offshored Economy.

Tue 2010-04-27 08:27 EDT


While the SEC is busy investigating Goldman Sachs, it might want to look into another Goldman-dominated fraud: computerized front running using high-frequency trading programs...Wall Street commentator Max Keiser...claims to have invented one of the most widely used programs for doing the rigging. Not that that's what he meant to invent. His patented program was designed to take the manipulation out of markets. It would do this by matching buyers with sellers automatically, eliminating ``front running'' -- brokers buying or selling ahead of large orders coming in from their clients. The computer program was intended to remove the conflict of interest that exists when brokers who match buyers with sellers are also selling from their own accounts. But the program fell into the wrong hands and became the prototype for automated trading programs that actually facilitate front running...Keiser and HSX co-founder Michael Burns applied for a patent for a ``computer-implemented securities trading system with a virtual specialist function'' in 1996, and U.S. patent no. 5960176 was awarded in 1999...The listing for Keiser's patent shows that it has been referenced by 132 others involving automated program trading or HFT...

Computerized Front Running; debt; Goldman-dominated fraud; Web.

Tue 2009-09-29 11:43 EDT

The Post-Bubble Malaise

...the Fed is building excess bank reserves (nearly $1 trillion in the last year alone) with the tacit understanding that the banks will return the favor by purchasing Uncle Sam's sovereign debt. It's all very confusing and circular, in keeping with Bernanke's stated commitment to "transparency". What a laugh. The good news is that the trillions in government paper probably won't increase inflation until the economy begins to improve and the slack in capacity is reduced. Then we can expect to get walloped with hyperinflation. But that could be years off. For the foreseeable future, it's all about deflation...The question is, how long can the Obama administration write checks on an account that's overdrawn by $11 trillion (the national debt) before the foreign appetite for US Treasurys wanes and we have a sovereign debt crisis? If the Fed is faking sales of Treasurys to conceal the damage--as I expect it is--we could see the dollar plunge to $2 per euro by the middle of 2010...The consumer is maxed out, private sector activity is in the tank, and government stimulus is the only thing keeping the economy off the meat-wagon. Bernanke might not admit it, but the economy is sinking into post-bubble malaise.

Post bubble malaise.

Tue 2009-09-29 11:39 EDT

The Health Care Deceit

...The health care bill is not about health care. It is about protecting and increasing the profits of the insurance companies. The main feature of the health care bill is the ``individual mandate,'' which requires everyone in America to buy health insurance. Senate Finance Committee chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont), a recipient of millions in contributions over his career from the insurance industry, proposes to impose up to a $3,800 fine on Americans who fail to purchase health insurance...The telltale part of Obama's speech was the applause in response to his pledge that ``I will not sign a plan that adds one dime to our deficits.'' Yet, Obama and his fellow politicians have no hesitation to add trillions of dollars to the deficit in order to fund wars...t was the war in Afghanistan, not health care, that President Obama declared to be a ``necessity.''

Health Care Deceit.

Sun 2008-11-23 00:00 EST

Winter (Economic & Market) Watch >> Everybody is a Keynesian Now

Winter (Economic & Market) Watch >> Everybody is a Keynesian Now; ``starting to entertain the notion that something is not quite adding up here. Just as early this year during the Mad Max economic phase, the talking heads and experts were overestimating economic strength, today they are underestimating it.''

economic; Keynesianism; Market; watch; winter.

Sun 2008-11-23 00:00 EST

Winter (Economic & Market) Watch >> Observation on the Crack Up Boom Crash

Winter (Economic & Market) Watch >> Observation on the Crack Up Boom Crash; ``a Mad Max speculative boom created false demand, and now there is a Panic liquidation...the pieces will be picked up, and more sustainable, balanced and less speculative growth will be maintained.''

Boom Crash; crack; economic; Market; Observations; watch; winter.

Thu 2008-03-27 00:00 EDT

Winter (Economic & Market) Watch >> Gonna Be a Mad Max Revolution?

Winter (Economic & Market) Watch >> Gonna to be a Mad Max Revolution? "Historically food inflations and famines combined with corrupt, irresponsible government has been the spark to storming the palace gates and insurrection."

economic; Gonna; Mad Max Revolution; Market; watch; winter.

Wed 2008-03-26 00:00 EDT

Winter (Economic & Market) Watch >> Mad Max Check Out Time

Winter (Economic & Market) Watch >> Mad Max Check Out Time; "The lender of only resort to the shark in suits black box crony capitalists has caused quite a splash. It is clear to me that the Pig Men will line up around the block to get the kind of terms offered in the JPM-BSC Ponzi finance liquidation"

economic; mad Max Check; Market; Time; watch; winter.