dimelab dimelab: shrinking the gap between talk and action.

mother Topic in The Credit Debacle Catalog

Mother Jones (4).

Thu 2010-01-07 19:31 EST

Capital City | Mother Jones

A year after the biggest bailout in US history, Wall Street lobbyists don't just have influence in Washington. They own it lock, stock, and barrel...This is a story about politics. It's about how Congress and the president and the Federal Reserve were persuaded to let all this happen in the first place. In other words, it's about the finance lobby--the people who, as Sen. Dick Durbin [5] (D-Ill.) put it [6] last April, even after nearly destroying the world are "still the most powerful lobby on Capitol Hill. And they frankly own the place."...It's about the way that lobby--with the eager support of a resurgent conservative movement and a handful of powerful backers--was able to fundamentally change the way we think about the world. Call it a virus. Call it a meme. Call it the power of a big idea. Whatever you call it, for three decades they had us convinced that the success of the financial sector should be measured not by how well it provides financial services to actual consumers and corporations, but by how effectively financial firms make money for themselves. It sounds crazy when you put it that way, but stripped to its bones, that's what they pulled off.

capital city; Mother Jones.

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis Wed 2009-11-25 12:05 EST

What Is Inflation and How Does One Measure It?

...Inflation is a net expansion of money supply and credit, where credit is marked to market. Deflation is the opposite: a net contraction of money supply and credit, where credit is marked to market...Credit (and credit problems) dwarf monetary concerns at the present...I still expect the US to slip in and out of deflation and recession for years to come just as happened in Japan...banks aren't lending, consumer credit is contracting, credit writeoffs are likely to exceed monetary printing, and symptoms like treasury yields are in generally in agreement...To bail out the banks' poor bets on Dot-Com companies and Latin America in 2001-2002, Greenspan purposely ignited a credit bubble that led to the mother of all housing crashes. In response to the housing bust, the Fed refused to let failed banks go out of business and is attempting to force another credit bubble...However, this is the end of the line. Housing was the bubble of last resort, nothing can come close to the number of jobs created by the global housing bubble. Further attempts to reflate will do nothing but create a currency crisis, crash the economy, and add to future liabilities that cannot be paid back.

Inflation; measured; Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis.

naked capitalism Thu 2009-11-19 10:43 EST

Roubini Predicts ``Mother of All Carry Trade Unwinds''

Nouriel Roubini has officially left the ``hedging your bets on the economy'' camp. He has declared the markets to be frothy because super low dollar borrowing rates have turned the greenback into the funding currency for the carry trade. Far more important than the peppy rally in the stock market is the resumption of early 2007 style risk taking in the credit markets.

carry trade unwind; mother; naked capitalism; Roubini predicted.

Bruce Krasting Sat 2009-09-12 12:10 EDT

SSTF Shocker - $6B August Deficit

The Social Security Trust Fund reported an August net deficit of $5.865 Billion. This is the largest monthly deficit in nineteen years...This deficit is now the seventh in the past twelve months. That pace has never been seen before...Social Security is the mother of all systemic risks. Even the debate on this topic brings risk. It will expose an additional $7 trillion unfunded liability. Another reason for holders of dollars to worry.

6B August Deficit; Bruce Krasting; SSTF Shocker.

Tue 2009-06-16 00:00 EDT

Is Geithner's Hedge-Fund Bailout Illegal? | Mother Jones

Is Geithner's Hedge-Fund Bailout Illegal? by Zach Carter | Mother Jones; ``yet another windfall for the rascals who got us here''

Geithner's Hedge-Fund Bailout Illegal; Mother Jones.

Tue 2009-04-21 00:00 EDT

Top Geithner Aide Fought CEO Pay Reform | Mother Jones

former Goldman Sachs lobbyist Mark Patterson

Mother Jones; Top Geithner Aide Fought CEO Pay Reform.

Tue 2009-04-21 00:00 EDT

naked capitalism: Guest Post: Mother of All Stealth Scams?

pension fund scam involved ``alternative investments, allowing private funds to collect exorbitant fees and senior pension fund managers to collect huge bonuses based on bogus benchmarks''

Guest Post; mother; naked capitalism; Stealth Scams.

Mon 2009-01-19 00:00 EST

naked capitalism: Mother-In-Law Research and JP Morgan

JP Morgan; Law research; mother; naked capitalism.

Sat 2008-07-12 00:00 EDT

naked capitalism: Roubini: Restructure Fannie, Freddie Debt, Skip "Mother of All Bailouts"

Bailout; Freddie Debt; mother; naked capitalism; Restructure Fannie; Roubini; skipping.