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zero hedge Thu 2009-11-19 10:42 EST

Fannie Mae Seriously Delinquent Rate Hockeysticks to 4.45% From 1.57% In Prior Year

The FNM "seriously delinquent" rate has gone parabolic, increasing by roughly 5% sequentially and just under 300% YoY. As mere text will simply not do this metric justice, please enjoy this chart of the dataset from Blytic. It tells you all you need to know about the Fed's containment of the housing problem. The August seriously delinquent single-family number comprised of a 2.87% non-credit enhanced delinquencies and a very bothersome 11.52%, consisting of credit enhanced loans. The deterioration of FNM's book however did not stop it from increasing the size of its book. In September Fannie's total book of business hit $3.242 trillion, up from $3.229 trillion in August and $3.079 trillion in the prior year.

1; 4; 45; 57; Fannie Mae Seriously Delinquent Rate Hockeysticks; prior years; Zero Hedge.

Credit Writedowns Fri 2009-10-23 08:57 EDT

US angling to get Chinese to revalue renminbi

In what looks to be a central line of attack in the quest to re-balance the global economy, the Treasury Department has ratcheted up the rhetoric against China's currency peg. The Treasury's semiannual report to Congress slammed the Chinese for their lack of exchange rate `flexibility,' but stopped well short of accusing the Chinese of currency 'manipulation' as Tim Geithner had claimed...[dollar losing reserve currency status]

angle; Chinese; credit writedowns; revalue renminbi.

Jesse's Café Américain Thu 2009-10-15 16:38 EDT

Sumitomo Forecasts Dollar to 50 Yen, End of Dollar as Reserve Currency

"We can no longer stop the big wave of dollar weakness," said Daisuke Uno at Sumitomo. ...The market is taking the dollar where it should be, where it needs to go. If only countries with obvious pegs and ongoing manipulation to support export mercantilism were also to allow their currencies to float more freely. It is going to kill off global trade. It is the great failure of the WTO and US trade policy to have allowed pegs and overt currency manipulation policies which are de facto tariffs and subsidies on trade.

50 yen; Dollar; ending; Jesse's Café Américain; reserve currency; Sumitomo Forecasts Dollar.

Sun 2009-10-11 18:48 EDT

The Ongoing Plight of the U.S. "Nightcrawler" - Part 2 | zero hedge

We're just as scroomed as we were a year ago--skying stock markets and gold-hating trolls posting "Gold isn't money" notwithstanding. There is absolutey ZERO chance that the Fed raises their Fed Funds Politburo rates, and a ONE HUNDRED PERCENT CERTAINTY that both the Fed and Uncle Sugar MUST continue their monetizations, back stops and being the "lenders, insurers, and market of last resort" for all things credit, but especially the McHousing market where they have multi-trillion fiatsco exposure. So, it is little wonder that the U.S. fiatsco is getting pounded in the currency casino and that people are piling into PMs in droves--even going so far as to DEMAND physical delivery from the corrupt exchanges, even as the jawboning and pie-holing by the Fed Heads and Treasury twerps continues unabated. Because we are still very much in the midst of the "convulsions" of collapse AND the massive monetary and fiscal insanity the Fed and Uncle are undertaking to fight them.

nightcrawlers; Ongoing Plight; Part 2; U.S.; Zero Hedge.

Minyanville Sun 2009-08-30 15:08 EDT

How China Will Handle the Yuan

Ryan Krueger, Lance Lewis: Something is up with China and the yuan...What if it were close to revaluing against the dollar? We know it's fed up with funding US debt, but it can't stop funding it as long as it continues to peg to the dollar and is forced to buy dollars every day in order to hold down the yuan. The US isn't even its largest export market anymore. The EU is. The US consumer is broke. Why does China need to keep exporting cheap goods to the US if the US consumer can't buy them anyway?

China; handles; Minyanville; Yuan.

naked capitalism Thu 2009-08-27 10:50 EDT

Quelle Surprise! Fed Uses Scare Tactics to Try to Forestall Loan Disclosures

In a show of how much our government thinks that serving the financial oligarchy, rather than the citizenry, is its prime duty, the Fed is fighting to stop the court-ordered disclosure of who borrowed money under the Fed's various lending facilities. The reason I lump the Fed in with "the government" is that the central bank has been serving as an off-balance sheet entity of the Treasury for quite some time. And not only are the Fed and Treasury acting in near lockstep, but there has been no meaningful change in the government stance towards the banksters. Yes, Team Obama makes more of a show of trying to rein them in, but push comes to shove, it's merely Paulson version 2.0: same content, better packaging. Paulson's success in muscling...

Fed Uses Scare Tactics; Forestall Loan Disclosures; naked capitalism; Quelle Surprise; trying.

Fri 2009-01-16 00:00 EST

Disabusing Popular Assumptions | The Wall Street Examiner

Disabusing Popular Assumptions, by Lee Adler | The Wall Street Examiner; ``Once the forces of deflation have been set in motion monetary and fiscal policy are powerless to stop them.''

Disabusing Popular Assumptions; Wall Street Examiner.

Fri 2008-12-05 00:00 EST

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: China Prepares for Worst Case As US Prepares For More Central Planning

``the cure is to embrace deflation and stop fractional reserve lending and the serially bubble blowing activities of the Fed''

Central Planning; China prepares; Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis; prepared; worst case.

Tue 2008-10-07 00:00 EDT

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: How To Stop A Run On The Banks

bank; Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis; running; stop.

Tue 2008-09-23 00:00 EDT

naked capitalism: $5 Trillion Needed to Stop Bank Crisis, Says Japanese Expert

Ken Ohmae

5 trillion needed; naked capitalism; Says Japanese Expert; Stop Bank Crisis.

Tue 2008-09-23 00:00 EDT

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Treasury Auction Scam and How To Stop It

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis; stop; Treasury Auction Scam.

Fri 2008-06-20 00:00 EDT

naked capitalism: "Exploding Commodity Prices Signal Future Inflation"

"commodity prices are the result of portfolio shift against liquid assets by sovereign investors, sovereign wealth funds, partly triggered by lax monetary policy,...olicymakers should seriously start worrying about inflation and stop chasing imaginary destabilising speculators."

Exploding Commodity Prices Signal Future Inflation; naked capitalism.

Tue 2008-03-11 00:00 EDT

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Central Bankers "Pull Out All The Stops"

central bankers; Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis; pull; stop.

Sun 2007-12-23 00:00 EST

Money Matters: I Risked My Life To Save A Woman On Parole, Time To Talk About Our Criminal Class: The Top Dogs In USA

by Elaine Meinel Supkis; secret deal: China would stop the flood of Japanese money flowing into China except for GOVERNMENT LOANS to clean the environment, China would stop forcing the yen upwards, Paulson will stop pushing China to push up the value of the yuan and Japan is going to weaken the yen to 130 to the dollar

Criminal Class; Life; money matters; parole; Risk; save; talks; Time; Top dog; USA; Woman.

Wed 2007-11-28 00:00 EST

Money Matters: The Banks And CDO Insurers Suffer Losses

by Elaine Meinel Supkis; Chinese forcing rising yen caused July dislocations; carry trade debunked; "money, like sex, is best done in the dark"; "England pretended to be moral and upright while looting the world, enslaving Africans, stealing gold,..., patting themselves on the back when they finally stopped committing one crime or another."

bank; CDO Insurers Suffer Losses; money matters.

Mon 2007-09-10 00:00 EDT

FT.com / Home UK / UK - The party's over when the music stops

by John Authers; George Magnus: market trying to transfer bad assets from "secondary sector" to banks

com; FT; home UK; music stopped; Party s; UK.

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