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zero hedge Fri 2010-04-23 20:02 EDT

How Lehman, With The Fed's Complicity, Created Another Illegal Precedent In Abusing The Primary Dealer Credit Facility

Five months ago, Zero Hedge observed the nuances of the Federal Reserve's Primary Dealer Credit Facility (PDCF) and concluded that this artificial liquidity boosting construct was nothing more than yet another scam to allow banks to extract ever more money from taxpayers, with the complicit blessing of the Federal Reserve Board Of New York (as the original piece also provided an in-depth discussion of the triparty repo market which is now a parallel to the buzzword of the day in the form of Lehman's "Repo 105" off balance sheet contraption, it should serve as a useful refresher course to anyone who wishes to understand why while Repo 105 with its $50 billion in liability contingency may have been an issue, the true Repo market, with over $3 trillion of likely just as toxic assets, is where the real pain in the future will come from). The PDCF would allow assets of declining and even inexistent value to be pledged as collateral, thus making sure that taxpayer cash was funneled into sham institutions holding predominantly toxic assets, and whose viability was and is limited, yet still is backed by the Fed, which to this day continues to pour our money into them. Today, with a tip from the NYT's Eric Dash, we demonstrate just how grossly negligent the Federal Reserve was when it came to Lehman's abuse of the PDCF, and how the trail of slime of Lehman's increasingly obvious manipulation of its books goes to the very top of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, and its then governor - a very much complicit Tim Geithner...

abuse; created; Fed's Complicity; Illegal Precedent; Lehman; Primary Dealers Credit Facility; Zero Hedge.

zero hedge Fri 2010-04-23 20:02 EDT

An Overview Of The Fed's Intervention In Equity Markets Via The Primary Dealer Credit Facility

Recently, Zero Hedge presented a snapshot analysis of the various securities that made up the triparty repo agreement involving JPM, Lehman and the Fed. We uncovered numerous bankrupt companies' equities that were being pledged as collateral for what ultimately was taxpayer exposure. To our surprise, this discovery is not an exception, and in fact in the days immediately preceding the collapse of Bear Stearns first, and subsequently, Lehman Brothers, the Federal Reserve established and refined a program that permitted banks to pledge virtually any security as collateral, including not just investment grade bonds and higher ranked securities, but also stocks of companies, the riskiest investment possible, and a guaranteed way for taxpayer capital to evaporate in the context of a disintegrating financial system, all with the purpose of bailing out Wall Street's major institutions. On two occasions last year: on March 16, 2008, and subsequently on September 14, 2008, the Federal Reserve first established what is known as the Primary Dealer Credit Facility (PDCF), and subsequently amended it, so that the Fed, in becoming the lender of last resort, would allow any collateral, up to and including stocks, to be funded by the Federal Reserve's credit facility, in order to prevent the $4.5 trillion repo financing system from imploding. By doing so, the Federal Reserve effectively gave a Carte Blanche to primary dealers to purchase any and all equities they so desired, with such purchases immediately being funded by the US taxpayer, via the PDCF. In essence, this was equivalent to the Fed purchasing equities by itself through a Primary Dealer agent...

equity markets; Fed's interventions; overview; Primary Dealers Credit Facility; Zero Hedge.

Fri 2010-04-23 19:59 EDT

New York Fed Warehousing Junk Loans On Its Books: Examiner's Report

As Lehman Brothers careened toward bankruptcy in 2008, the New York Federal Reserve Bank came to its rescue, sopping up junk loans that the investment bank couldn't sell in the market, according to a report from court-appointed examiner Anton R. Valukas. The New York Fed, under the direction of now-Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner, knowingly allowed itself to be used as a "warehouse" for junk loans, the report says, even though Fed guidelines say it can only accept investment grade bonds...

books; examinations s reported; new York Fed Warehousing Junk Loans.

naked capitalism Thu 2010-04-22 18:57 EDT

More Evidence of Lack of Competitiveness of Many Chinese Exporters

...From Bloomberg: The profits of China's makers of household appliances, automobiles and cell phones may plunge by between 30 percent and 50 percent if the Chinese currency were to strengthen by 3 percent, according to a state media report. Small and medium-size exporters with low price-negotiating powers will face losses and may even go out of business, according to the Xinhua News Agency's Economic Information Daily newspaper, citing the results of a ``stress test.'' ... Richard Kline: ...Not that it matters at all for US manufacturing whether the renminbi notches up or not. Because wealth enterprises in the US don't really give a damn about their host country. Low-value added assembly will simply flow to Vietnam, Bangaladesh, back to Mexico, or the like. An industrial policy presupposes a political policy. And the malefactors of great wealth have complete control of US governmental policy, as we see, and not the least interest in investing in their host country. Great wealth here is parasitical, in a word. Fuddling about with currency rates won't change the political equation at all.

Chinese exports; competitions; evidence; lack; naked capitalism.

naked capitalism Thu 2010-04-22 18:21 EDT

Guest Post: Are Interest Rate Derivatives a Ticking Time Bomb?

...Most economists and financial institutions assume that interest rate derivatives help to stabilize the economy. But cumulatively, they can actually increase risky behavior, just as portfolio insurance previously did. As Nassim Taleb has shown, behavior which appears to decrease risk can actually mask long-term risks and lead to huge blow ups. Moreover, there is a real danger of too many people using the same strategy at once... Given that the market for interest rate derivatives is orders of magnitude larger than credit default swap market -- let alone portfolio insurance -- the risks of a ``black swan'' event based on interest rate derivatives should be taken seriously...

Guest Post; Interest Rate Derivatives; naked capitalism; ticking time bomb.

Wed 2010-04-21 12:27 EDT

Goldman Sachs taps ex-White House counsel - Eamon Javers and Mike Allen - POLITICO.com

Goldman Sachs is launching an aggressive response to its political and legal challenges with an unlikely ally at its side -- President Barack Obama's former White House counsel, Gregory Craig. The beleaguered Wall Street bank hired Craig -- now in private practice at Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom -- in recent weeks to help in navigate the halls of power in Washington, a source familiar with the firm told POLITICO...

com; Eamon Javers; Goldman Sachs taps ex-White House counsel; Mike Allen; Politicos.

naked capitalism Wed 2010-04-21 12:20 EDT

Guest Post: Dodd Financial Reform Bill Is All Holes and No Cheese

In a letter to Senate majority leader Harry Reid and minority leader Mitch McConnell, luminaries including former SEC Chief Accountant Lynn Turner, former Labor Secretary Robert Reich, hedge fund owner Jim Chanos, former Lehman Brothers Vice Chair Peter Solomon, former S&L investigator Bill Black, former Senate Banking Committee Chief Economist Rob Johnson, economists Dean Baker, Barry Eichengreen and others pointed out that Dodd's proposed financial reform legislation wouldn't have prevented the current crisis ... and won't prevent the next crisis...

cheese; Dodd Financial reform Bill; Guest Post; holes; naked capitalism.

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis Wed 2010-04-21 12:11 EDT

Geithner and the NY Fed Accused of Willfully Ignoring Fraud and Covering Up Lehman's Bad Assets by Senior Regulator During the S&L Crisis

Inquiring minds are digging into a 27 page statement made by William Black before the Financial Services committee. Black is an Associate Professor of Economics and Law, at the University of Missouri...[According to Black,] Lehman's underlying problem that doomed it was that it was insolvent because it made so many bad loans and investments. It hid its insolvency through the traditional means -- it refused to recognize its losses honestly...The FRBNY knew that Lehman was engaged in fraud designed to overstate its liquidity and, therefore, was unwilling to loan as much money to Lehman. The FRBNY did not, however, inform the SEC, the public, or the OTS (which regulated an S&L that Lehman owned) of the fraud...The relevant issue was never: can Lehman be saved? The relevant issue, one that the SEC and the Fed appear never to have even asked, was: how can we stop Lehman from serving as a vector spreading the epidemic of liar's loans? They should have asked themselves that question -- and acted -- no later than 2001.

Cover; Geithner; L Crisis; Lehman's Bad Assets; Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis; NY Fed Accused; s; senior regulators; Willfully Ignoring Fraud.

Tue 2010-04-20 10:58 EDT

Get the Yuan Right, Prove Pundits Wrong: Hype over an 'imminent' increase in yuan value ignores China's greater need for higher interest rates and fewer bubbles

Unless China exits its economic stimulus quickly, the nation's inflation rate could rise to double digit levels sooner than many expect. The right sequence of events for a proper response to inflation would be to raise interest rates and then, if necessary, move the yuan exchange rate. But acting on the currency first, especially in small steps, would further inflate China's property bubble and inflation, potentially leading to a major economic crisis in two years. A small increase in the yuan's value would fail to resolve two pressing problems: inflationary pressure at home, and political pressure from the United States. Moreover, a small appreciation would attract hot money, stoking inflationary pressure...

bubble; higher interest rate; hype; imminent; increased; proving pundits wrong; Yuan right; yuan value ignores China's greater need.

Jesse's Café Américain Tue 2010-04-20 10:07 EDT

"My Son..Went Inside There And Basically Saw that the Vault was Empty."

...Apparently some banks and brokers had been selling gold and silver which they do not have. We know it happens because Morgan Stanley was caught doing it, and was even charging storage fees from unsuspecting investors...King News World Interview Regarding Lack of Physical Bullion at Large Canadian Bank

Basically Saw; empty; Jesse's Café Américain; Son; vault; went.

Tue 2010-04-20 10:05 EDT

The Search for a Reserve Currency

...good governance as an essential component of currency value and the trust in that currency can transform overnight, just as we witnessed the post-World War II collapse of sterling, and, now, the shakiness of trust in the US dollar (despite the reality that, at $14.2-trillion in value in 2008, is the world's largest). The age of the US dollar as the global reserve currency isn't yet over, but it's threatened, and the trend toward a flight from the dollar (despite occasional returns to it) is evident. At present, however, the dollar is shored up because in many respects there's nothing of its stature ready to replace it...major trade will gradually become more bilateral in nature, based on very real mutual trust in each other's currencies or goods. This will be a significant limiting factor in trade, and will make bilateral balances of greater interest than in the past when trade balances of a bilateral nature ``washed out'' in the great mixing bowl of the global banking system...

reserve currency; search.

naked capitalism Tue 2010-04-20 09:43 EDT

Satyajit Das: New & Old Greek Lessons

...Like many of the economically weaker EU members, Greece fudged the numbers to meet the qualifications for entry into the Euro. One example of this is the use of derivative transactions with Goldman Sachs to disguise the level of its real borrowing. Membership of the Euro also reduced the ability of Greece to manage its economy. It lost the ability to use its currency, via devaluations, to improve competitiveness and stimulate exports. It also lost the ability to set interest rates (now set by the European Central Bank (''ECB'')). It also cannot print its own currency to fund sovereign borrowing. Greece also has low levels of domestic saving...Greece's problems are probably incapable of solution and terminal. Temporary emergency funding may help meet immediate liquidity needs but do not solve fundamental problems of excessive debt and a weak economy...the optimal course of action for Greece may be to withdraw from the Euro, default on its debt (by re-denominating it in a re-introduced Drachma) and then undertake a program of necessary structural reform...The current debate misses the fact that the ``bailouts'' are mainly about rescuing foreign investors...

naked capitalism; new; Old Greek Lessons; Satyajit Das.

China Financial Markets Tue 2010-04-20 09:17 EDT

Who will pay for China's bad loans?

...pessimists are starting to worry about excessive debt levels in China, about which they are very right to worry, and many are predicting a banking or financial collapse, which I think is much less likely. Optimists, on the other hand, are blithely discounting the problem of rising NPLs and insisting that they create little risk to Chinese growth. Their proof? A decade ago China had a huge surge in NPLs, the cleaning up of which was to cost China 40% of GDP and a possible banking collapse, and yet, they claim, nothing bad happened. The doomsayers were wrong, the last banking crisis was easily managed, and Chinese growth surged. But although I think the pessimists are wrong to expect a banking collapse, the optimists are nonetheless very mistaken, largely because they implicitly assumed away the cost of the bank recapitalization. In fact China paid a very high price for its banking crisis. The cost didn't come in the form of a banking collapse but rather in the form of a collapse in consumption growth as households were forced to pay for the enormous cleanup bill...

China Financial Markets; China's bad loans; pay.

naked capitalism Mon 2010-04-19 18:46 EDT

Soros, Galbraith and Stiglitz on resisting inevitability in Greece

However, for now, it is Greece which is on everyone's mind...Kevin de Bruxelles says: ...I have to give credit to Angela Merkel. She is holding a pretty strong hand and it is now clear we are down to two choices for the endgame. The bailout solution will be international, in other words not limited to the Eurozone, and the amounts donated will be proportional to the risk each country holds. Or Greece simply defaults, probably first on their Anglo-Saxon debt (in return for low interest loans from Germany and France!), and each country then just bails out their respective banking system.

Galbraith; Greece; naked capitalism; resisting inevitability; Soros; Stiglitz.

Jesse's Café Américain Mon 2010-04-19 18:34 EDT

Goldman Sachs: A Pattern of Organized Criminal Behaviour?

Chris Whalen provides some excellent commentary on the Goldman Sachs fraud inquiry by the SEC at the beginning of his weekly newsletter, The Institutional Risk Analyst...``hedge funds often times are merely extensions of the dealers with which they interact. It is often difficult if not impossible to tell where the dealer's interests end and those of the hedge fund begin, especially when the dealer and the fund seem to be working in concert to create securities that are being sold to third parties. This episode is a terrible mess and, to us at least, illustrates why the OTC markets for securities and derivatives need to be regulated out of existence -- or at least into compliance with norms of disclosure and fair dealing that would render such strategies impossible.''

Goldman Sachs; Jesse's Café Américain; Organized Criminal Behaviour; pattern.

Jesse's Café Américain Mon 2010-04-19 15:22 EDT

Jim Rickards: Possible Run on the Gold Bank, Fed Insolvent, Currency Endgames in US Debt Crisis

...There is obviously not enough gold and silver to cover the physical demand if holders of paper certificates in unallocated accounts demand delivery, and most likely only a small fraction could be covered with the practical supply available. Cash settlement will be enforced in the majority of cases...

Currency Endgames; debt crisis; Fed Insolvent; Gold Bank; Jesse's Café Américain; Jim Rickards; possible running.

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