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Regulators Topic in The Credit Debacle Catalog

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zero hedge Tue 2009-09-22 16:22 EDT

Top Goldman Lobbyist Barred From Communicating With House's Financial Services Committee

In a rare example of testicular fortitude, Barney Frank has "banished" Goldman's Michael Pease from communicating with the U.S. House of Representatives Financial Services Committee. According to Reuters, the Goldmanite, and former committee staffer, has been "asked" not to interfere with the Congressional panel for a period of 12 months. According to Barney Frank aide Steven Adamske: "Mr. Paese left our offices in September 2008, and was not allowed to communicate with any committee members or staff for a period of one year due to normal ethics restrictions that apply to all House and Senate employees. Out of an abundance of caution due to the nature of financial regulation reform, the chairman has extended Mr. Paese's recusal for another year." Pease "was the committee's deputy staff director before he quit to work for the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association as a lobbyist. Goldman hired him in April.

communications; House's Financial Services Committee; Top Goldman Lobbyist Barred; Zero Hedge.

Tue 2009-09-22 08:18 EDT

Guest post: Regulation in Defense of Capitalism

Will regulation hobble capitalism? I think the opposite is true. Properly done, government regulation of the financial industry will move the industry closer to the capitalist ideal. By capitalism, I mean where those who take the risks and put up the money get the fruits of their labor. And, importantly, where those who take the risks and put up the money actually do take the risks, bearing the full costs of failure as well as success.

capitalism; defense; Guest Post; Regulators.

Rick Bookstaber Sun 2009-09-20 14:30 EDT

Regulation in Defense of Capitalism

Will regulation hobble capitalism? I think the opposite is true. Properly done -- and I think most of the financial regulation that is envisioned fits into this camp -- government regulation of the financial industry will move the industry closer to the capitalist ideal. By capitalism, I mean where those who take the risks and put up the money get the fruits of their labor. And, importantly, where those who take the risks and put up the money actually do take the risks, bearing the full costs of failure as well as success.

capitalism; defense; Regulators; Rick Bookstaber.

The IRA Analyst Thu 2009-09-17 10:22 EDT

Back to Basis for Securitization and Structured Credit: Interview With Ann Rutledge

To get some further insight into the world of securitization and cash flows, we spoke last week to Ann Rutledge of RR Consulting...The difference between a futures contract for T-bonds and a credit default swap is that the former is a real contract for a real deliverable, whereas the CDS trades against what people think is the cash basis, but there is no cash market price to discipline and validate that derivative market. Rutledge: a contract or structure without a cash basis should not be allowed at all. You cannot have a derivative that is honest and fair to all market participants without a true cash basis. ...derivatives markets such as CDS and CDOs that have no cash basis tend to magnify speculative excesses, while derivative markets where there is a visible cash basis market to discipline investor behavior seem less unstable in terms of systemic risk. Rutledge: If the cash market were visible and could be examined by all participants, then it would give away the ability of the dealer banks to tax participants in the market and extract these abnormal returns. So how do we fix the problem... Rutledge: These originators play this game over and over again and they don't get caught, in part because we do not have a common, standardized set of definitions for governing the most basic aspects of the securitization process. The buyers don't do the work and the accounting framework is a counterparty-oriented framework, not one that is focused on the underlying assets. So banks like Countrywide and WaMu originated and sold some truly hideous structures during the bubble, but the buyers only diligence was reliance upon recourse to these banks. It costs maybe 50bp for a buyer to get the data and grind the numbers to really diligence a securitization based on cash flows, even a complex CDO. But the cost to the buyer and the system of not doing the diligence is an order or magnitude bigger. If the Congress, the SEC and the FASB, and the financial regulators only do one thing this year when it comes to reforming the world of structured credit, then it should be to impose by law and regulation common standards for the definitions used in the marketplace.

Ann Rutledge; basis; interview; IRA Analyst; securitizations; structured credit.

naked capitalism Sun 2009-09-13 16:32 EDT

Guest Post: The Economy Will Not Recover Until Trust is Restored

...our economy is not fundamentally stabilizing ...because the government and the financial giants are taking actions and releasing data which encourage more distortion and less trust..all of the happy talk in the world won't turn the economy around when the fundamentals of the economy are lousy, or there has been a giant bubble and vast overleveraging, or there has been massive fraud, or the government has gone so far into debt that it has formed a black hole... the chair of the congressional oversight committee of the bailouts (Elizabeth Warren) and the senior regulator during the S & L crisis (William Black) both say that hiding the true state of affairs and trying to put a happy face on an economic crisis just prolongs the length and severity of the crash...trying to instill false confidence will actually backfire on Summers, Geithner, Bernanke and the boys and make the crisis worse.

economy; Guest Post; naked capitalism; recover; restore; trust.

naked capitalism Sun 2009-09-13 12:26 EDT

Guest Post: Top Economists Say We Must Break Up the Insolvent Banks (Government Says Let's Make Them Bigger)

The following top economists and financial experts believe that the economy cannot recover unless the big, insolvent banks are broken up in an orderly fashion: Joseph Stiglitz, Ed Prescott, R. Glenn Hubbard, Simon Johnson, Thomas Hoenig, Neal S. Wolin, Sheila Bair, Anna Schwartz, William K. Black, et al...And yet, the top economic policy makers (Summer, Geithner and Bernanke)...don't want to break up the insolvent giants or even keep them from growing, don't want to reinstate Glass-Steagall, and want to let the banks keep using their same inaccurate models, overseen by the same spineless regulators.

bigger; break; Government Says Let's Make; Guest Post; insolvent banks; naked capitalism; Top economist says.

The IRA Analyst Sun 2009-09-13 12:14 EDT

House Testimony: The Trouble With Models Starts With Subjectivity

...we have now many examples where a model or the pretense of a model was used as a vehicle for creating risk and hiding it. More important, however, is the role of financial models for creating opportunities for deliberate acts of securities fraud..the widespread use of [VaR] statistical models for risk management suggest that financial institutions are subject to occasional "Black Swans" in the form of risk events that cannot be anticipated...We don't actually believe there is such a thing as a "Black Swan."...leaders in finance and politics simply made the mistake of, again, believing in what were in fact flawed models...Or worse, our leaders in Washington and on Wall Street decided to be short sighted and not care about the inevitable debacle...We need to simply ensure that all of the financial instruments in our marketplace have an objective basis, including a visible, cash basis market that is visible to all market participants. If investors cannot price a security without reference to subjective models, then the security should be banned from the US markets as a matter of law and regulation. To do otherwise is to adopt deception as the public policy goal of the US when it comes to financial markets regulation.

House testimony; IRA Analyst; models starting; subject; Troubles.

Credit Writedowns Thu 2009-09-03 11:38 EDT

Sheila Bair and the case against a super-regulator

There is an effort underway to install the Federal Reserve as super-regulator for all banks and financial institutions, concentrating power in one institution. I find these efforts one of the most disturbing outgrowths of the financial crisis we have been witnessing...better to enforce the rules and regulations that are currently on the books than to build in a whole new super-structure.

Case; credit writedowns; Sheila Bair; Super-Regulator.

Credit Writedowns Wed 2009-08-26 16:38 EDT

The FDIC and the socialization of banking losses

With the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) about to release its latest figures for banks it regulates and its own financial condition, now is a good time to review its role in this crisis. This post is about the FDIC's role in the credit crisis, how it seizes banks and why I believe this matters. [...] ``the way assets are seized and sold represents a redistribution of income from taxpayers to the acquiring entities''

banks losses; credit writedowns; FDIC; social.

Thu 2009-07-30 00:00 EDT

Michael Hudson: The Toll Booth Economy

Michael Hudson: The Toll Booth Economy -- by Michael Hudson ``The Latest in Junk Economics'' What is missing is a critique of the big picture how Wall Street has financialized the public domain to inaugurate a neo-feudal tollbooth economy while privatizing the government itself, headed by the Treasury and Federal Reserve. Left untouched is the story how industrial capitalism has succumbed to an insatiable and unsustainable finance capitalism, whose newest final stage seems to be a zero-sum game of casino capitalism based on derivative swaps and kindred hedge fund gambling innovations...What have been lost are the Progressive Eras two great reforms. First, minimizing the economys free lunch of unearned income (e.g., monopolistic privilege and privatization of the public domain in contrast to ones own labor and enterprise) by taxing absentee property rent and asset-price (capital) gains, by keeping natural monopolies in the public domain, and by anti-trust regulation...A second Progressive Era aim was to steer the financial sector so as to fund capital formation. Industrial credit was best achieved in Germany and Central Europe in the decades prior to World War I. But the Allied victory led to the dominance of Anglo-American banking practice, based on loans against property or income streams already in place. Todays bank credit has become decoupled from capital formation, taking the form mainly of mortgage credit (80 per cent), and loans secured by corporate stock (for mergers, acquisitions and corporate raids) as well as for speculation. The effect is to spur asset-price inflation on credit, in ways that benefit the few at the expense of the economy at large.''

Michael Hudson; Toll Booth Economy.

The IRA Analyst Thu 2009-07-30 00:00 EDT

The Institutional Risk Analyst: Kabuki on the Potomac: Reforming Credit Default Swaps and OTC Derivatives

-- he Masters of the Universe who run the largest Wall Street firms of have learned not a thing when it comes to credit default swaps ("CDS") and other types of high-risk financial engineering. Indeed, not only are the largest derivative dealers fighting efforts to reform the CDS and other derivative instruments that caused the AIG fiasco, but regulators like the Federal Reserve Board and US Treasury are working with the banks to ensure that a small group of dealers increase their monopoly over the business of over-the-counter ("OTC") derivatives.''

Institutional Risk Analyst; IRA Analyst; Kabuki; OTC derivative; Potomac; Reforming Credit Default Swaps.

Fri 2009-07-24 00:00 EDT

Freddie Pressured Over Accounting Disclosure

Freddie Mac disputes information disclosure suppressed by regulator Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA)

account disclosures; Freddie Pressured.

Fri 2009-07-24 00:00 EDT

Jesse's Café Américain: Friedman Resigns as NY Fed Chairman, Had Been Buying Goldman Stock in 2008-9

Jesse's Café Américain: Friedman Resigns as NY Fed Chairman, Had Been Buying Goldman Stock in 2008-9 -- ``it is perfectly all right for a Fed Chairman to buy shares in one of the banks he is 'regulating' especially when he is helping to make critical policy decisions directly involving them.''

2008 9; Buying Goldman Stock; Friedman resigns; Jesse's Café Américain; NY Fed Chairman.

Thu 2009-07-23 00:00 EDT

naked capitalism: Is Liquidity Really Good for You?

``just because a certain amount of liquidity is good, it does not necessarily follow that more is always better''; Richard Kline: ``The first issue when liquidity is provided to markets for any overall regulator, should and must be, "How do we prevent asset overpricing as a consequence? "''

Liquidity Really Good; naked capitalism.

Thu 2009-07-23 00:00 EDT

The Texas Observer > Commentary by James K. Galbraith -

The Texas Observer > Commentary by James K. Galbraith - Causes of the Crisis; ``The idea that capitalism...is inherently self-stabilizing'', former Texas Senator Phil Gramm, and ``abandonment of state responsibility for financial regulation''

commentary; James K. Galbraith; Texas Observer.

Tue 2009-06-16 00:00 EDT

naked capitalism: Some Musings on Financial Innovation

Martin Mayer ``the whole purpose of the innovation is to get around the existing regulation''; John Maynard Keynes `` When the capital development of a country becomes a by-product of the activities of a casino, the job is likely to be ill-done.'' Yves: ``ncreasing the liquidity of credit risk, even assuming it worked as advertised, seemed guaranteed to mean that everyone would be more casual about assuming it''

financial innovation; mused; naked capitalism.

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