dimelab dimelab: shrinking the gap between talk and action.

abandon Topic in The Credit Debacle Catalog

Abandon Current Approach (1); abandon mark (1); abandoned boats (1); abandoned committing (1); Abandoned homes concern Chandler officials (1); abandoned proper anti-inflationary discipline (1); Abandoning Toxic Asset Purchases (1); Banks Abandon Paulson's Super-SIV Plan (1); Conservatives Abandoned (1); FEAR FORCED abandonment (1); foreign creditors abandoned (1); Foreign Investors Abandoning (1); Greece abandoned (1); quietly abandoned (1); utter abandonment (1); Washington Abandons Greece (1).

naked capitalism Mon 2010-07-19 16:57 EDT

58% of Real Income Growth Since 1976 Went to Top 1% (and Why That Matters)

...the new program was to reduce workers' bargaining power, both by combating unions, and by tolerating un and underemployment. Rising worker wages had been seen as crucial to greater prosperity; it was quietly abandoned as a policy goal. But this has profound implications. As rising income inequality demonstrates, the benefits of growth accrued substantially to those at the very top...much of America seems blithely unaware of our diminished role in the world. Likewise, financiers, having wrested massive concessions from national governments (bailouts with almost no concessions demanded of them) if anything view themselves as even more influential than before the crisis. In other words, both the distorted self image of key players and a reluctance to admit the deep seated nature of the problems make a happy resolution unlikely.

1976 Went; 58; matter; naked capitalism; real income growth; Top 1.

The Money Game Sat 2010-05-22 21:47 EDT

The Root Cause Of Recurring Global Financial Crises

Severe global financial crises have been recurring every decade: the 1987 crash, the 1997 Asian financial crisis and the 2007 Credit Crisis. This recurring pattern had been generated by wholesale financial deregulation around the world. But the root causes have been dollar hegemony and the Washington Consensus. -- The Case of Greece --Following misguided neo-liberal market fundamentalist advice, Greece abandoned its national currency, the drachma, in favor of the euro in 2002. This critically consequential move enabled the Greek government to benefit from the strength of the euro, albeit not derived exclusively from the strength of the Greek economy, but from the strength of the economies of the stronger Eurozone member states, to borrow at lower interest rates collateralized by Greek assets denominated in euros. With newly available credit, Greece then went on a debt-funded spending spree, including high-profile projects such as the 2004 Athens Olympics that left the Greek nation with high sovereign debts not denominated in its national currency...

Money game; Recurring Global Financial Crises; root cause.

Sun 2010-02-28 13:27 EST

Janet Tavakoli: Washington Abandons Greece: Beware of Geeks Bearing Grifts

The European Union (EU) is shocked--shocked I tell you!--that Greece used financial engineering to qualify for admission. Exactly how did they think that weaker countries managed to meet the requirements?...A few years ago, Greece engaged in derivatives transactions which essentially gave it a disguised loan, a gift from geeks. Greece may or may not have had plans to invest the money to create national wealth instead of say, blowing it all on national bling. Either way, Greece used its national credit card in a futile attempt to keep up with the EU Joneses...Today, rumors are that crony capitalists are using derivatives to profit from Greece's misery. There are allegations that investment banks and hedge funds used their knowledge of Greece's hidden debt to drive up its borrowing cost and drive down the Euro. Then these speculators reversed their positions, when they had advance information of a potential bailout for Greece. Other rumors suggest customized trades on the sovereign credit derivatives index also exploited Greece's problems. Still other rumors point to a campaign to manipulate Greek debt prices and knock down the Euro.

Beware; Geeks Bearing Grifts; Janet Tavakoli; Washington Abandons Greece.

Tue 2010-01-12 23:31 EST

Here Comes the Screw Job

...Like America, Argentina sold off its public enterprises for pennies on the dollar in privatization schemes. Like America, Argentina had an artificially inflated currency which crushed its industrial base and led to an over-sized trade deficit. Like America, Argentina tried to disguise these problems by borrowing from foreign creditors. In the end, the Argentine government seized the retirements savings of their own citizens in order to continue to function after foreign creditors abandoned them. They shoved that savings into treasury-like bonds and then massively devalued their currency. In so doing, 70% of the retirement savings of the Argentinian people was wiped out overnight...

comes; screw job.

Thu 2010-01-07 20:04 EST

Hard times at the Washington Post

The Washington Post is a newspaper with a proud legacy. It has done much important reporting over the years, most famously its coverage of the Watergate scandal that resulted in the resignation of Richard Nixon. Unfortunately, it seems to have abandoned its journalistic standards. In its last issue of the decade, it published as a news piece an article by the Peter Peterson Foundation-funded Fiscal Times. This compromised the Post's journalistic integrity to the extent that readers can no longer take it seriously.

hard times; Washington Post.

naked capitalism Thu 2010-01-07 15:35 EST

Ambrose Evans-Pritchard: Apocalypse 2010

Ambrose Evans-Pritchard is nothing if not decisive in his views, and has a undisguised fondness for the bearish perspective. But he was correct on the 2008 inflation/commodities headfake, saying repeatedly that deflationary forces would prevail when that was decidedly a minority view...Some of his observations seem spot on, in particular, that the Fed will lose its nerve and abandon its efforts to withdraw from quantitative easing, despite noises now to the contrary, that the dollar will rally near-term, and the yen will break

Ambrose Evans Pritchard; Apocalypse 2010; naked capitalism.

zero hedge Thu 2009-11-19 10:36 EST

Bob (Janjuah) Is Back... And He Is Pissed

Near term I think the battle will be between Central Bankers, who deep down, and I think privately at least, FEAR bubbles, FEAR failure and FEAR FORCED abandonment if current policies are persisted with too long and/or added to, vs Fiscal Authorities, who by definition want short-term fixes (there is after all an election cycle in the UK & in the US next yr). This is like a rumble in the jungle between the VOLCKER-ites and the GREENSPAN-ites, with GREENSPAN representing the Fiscal Authorities (he was after all surely the most politicised central banker ever). Are the Volcker-ites up to a fight? I think so. I hope so. Kevin feels and I FEAR however that they aren't/they won't. In which case MORE policy and then, very soon thereafter DISASTER, will follow. In this rumble the inevitable outcome is deflation and multi-yr austerity.

Bob; Janjuah; piss; Zero Hedge.

Jesse's Café Américain Fri 2009-10-23 08:54 EDT

Preparing for the Next Crash: Now Is the Time

The Extinction of Ethics in Finance -- The Fallout, by Greg Simmons: ...I could probably write an entire thesis about the utter abandonment of morality by today's so-called investment community. I mean, does everybody have to cheat each other to make a dollar? The subject literally brings into question the human thread that binds our social fabric together...

Crash; Jesse's Café Américain; prepared; Time.

Thu 2009-07-30 00:00 EDT

Will The Dollar Standard Collapse?

By John Carney; Sahm Adrangi opines ``Abandoning the gold standard has gradually resulted in a very overvalued US dollar, and that the dollar is headed for disaster. The dollar standard is inherently flawed and increasingly unstable. Its collapse will be the most important economic event of the 21st century.

Dollar Standard Collapse.

Thu 2009-07-23 00:00 EDT

The Texas Observer > Commentary by James K. Galbraith -

The Texas Observer > Commentary by James K. Galbraith - Causes of the Crisis; ``The idea that capitalism...is inherently self-stabilizing'', former Texas Senator Phil Gramm, and ``abandonment of state responsibility for financial regulation''

commentary; James K. Galbraith; Texas Observer.

Tue 2009-04-21 00:00 EDT

Hussman Funds - On the Urgency of Restructuring Bank and Mortgage Debt, and of Abandoning Toxic Asset Purchases - March 30, 2009

2009; Abandoning Toxic Asset Purchases; Hussman Funds; March 30; mortgage debt; restructured bank; urgency.

Thu 2009-04-16 00:00 EDT

naked capitalism: Willem Buiter: Treasury Will Have to Abandon Current Approach to Banks

Abandon Current Approach; bank; naked capitalism; Treasury; Willem Buiter.

Fri 2009-04-10 00:00 EDT

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Empty Restaurants, Falling Rents, Abandoned Boats, and Collapsing Auction Sales

abandoned boats; Collapsing Auction Sales; Empty Restaurants; falling rents; Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis.

Sun 2008-08-24 00:00 EDT

The return of global inflation

by Martin Hutchinson (Prudent Bear); "Almost all the world has abandoned proper anti-inflationary discipline and is destined to suffer a period of high inflation and recession in the coming years...Only a few countries like Brazil have taken the inflationary threat sufficiently seriously and will thus be in a position to continue expanding even while the rest of the world endures recession"

global inflation; returns.

Mon 2008-06-30 00:00 EDT

Thomas Palley >> Demythologizing Central Bankers and the Great Moderation

abandoned commitment to full employment, asset price inflation and financial innovation, increased debt-financed spending; 2008-04-02

Demythologizing Central Bankers; great Moderation; Thomas Palley.

Wed 2008-05-28 00:00 EDT

Economist's View: "The Predator State: How Conservatives Abandoned the Free Market and Why Liberals Should Too"

review of Jamie Galbraith's "The Predator State" by L. Randall Wray; "market solutions are designed to enrich a favored oligarchy through a spoils system administered through the states structure"

Conservatives Abandoned; Economist's View; free market; liberalism; Predator state.

Sun 2008-03-30 00:00 EDT

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: SEC Openly Invites Corporations To Lie

abandoning mark-to-market; moving dodgy assets into level 3

lying; Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis; SEC Openly Invites Corporations.

Wed 2007-12-05 00:00 EST

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: More Banks Abandon Paulson's Super-SIV Plan

"Is protection of Citigroup itself the only reason left for the Super-SIV?"

Banks Abandon Paulson's Super-SIV Plan; Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis.

Mon 2007-09-10 00:00 EDT

naked capitalism: Foreign Investors Abandoning US Treasuries

Foreign Investors Abandoning; naked capitalism; Treasury.

Mon 2007-07-30 00:00 EDT

Abandoned homes concern Chandler officials

(Arizona Republic; foreclosure; real estate bust)

Abandoned homes concern Chandler officials.