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Stability Topic in The Credit Debacle Catalog

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The Full Feed from HuffingtonPost.com Thu 2010-01-07 19:46 EST

D+7: Shock and Awe

..the burning question, of course, is "will moving your money have an effect?" And by effect, I don't mean making a momentary political statement. I mean making a structural difference to the country's financial system. The answer is yes, and here's how..if the public shifts a small fraction of the nation's core deposit base into these institutions it magnifies the stabilizing effect on this portion of the financial system. That's provided the receiving bank is already in good shape, of course, and isn't saddled with other problems. That's why the listing tool we created for the MoveYourMoney campaign only shows the best of breed, to our best ability to identify who they might be. I

7; awed; com; D; full Feeds; HuffingtonPost; shocks.

Debtor's prison Sun 2010-01-03 10:37 EST

Would a Single World Currency be GOOD for the world?

...One Single World Currency (SWC) is a topic that we have discussed many times from the very early days of this blog. For months, our discussions have focused on the causes behind the eventual collapse of the current USD-backed financial system, the apparent INEVITABILITY of this collapse and the very high LIKELIHOOD that the proposed solution to this will be a global monetary system backed by a single currency unit -- perhaps a modified version of an IMF SDR as Jesse suggests, or something new altogether. While most of our energy has been spent demonstrating the high likelihood (in our opinion, inevitability) of a SWC, we have been cowards when it comes to taking a stance on a SWC either way. Our apparent neutrality thus far has been largely motivated by a desire to remain unbiased while we explored some of the Numbers/definitions first. Having set these foundations and thought about the matter for some time, the gloves finally come off and we declare ourselves to be VEHEMENTLY OPPOSED to a SWC, both technically and in principle and spirit...we argue that the significantly increased trade granularity of the past few decades diminishes the need for a SWC, and in fact, creates ideal situations for the establishment of more localized currencies, which would be infinitely more stable than a SWC...increased trade granularity (which is a fact) increases the pheasibility and stability of local, floating currencies, to the point that they might be a preferable alternative to a SWC.

Debtor s Prison; good; Single World Currency; world.

Jesse's Café Américain Tue 2009-12-01 22:16 EST

Draining the Swamp: The Fed's Tri Party Repo Machine

A triparty repo transaction is a transaction among three parties: a cash lender acting on behalf of all holders of dollars (the Fed), a borrower that will provide collateral (dodgy debt holder in shaky financial condition), and a clearing bank, most likely a primary dealer like J.P. Morgan, which is only too happy to collect its fees as an agent of the Fed... This is the method of obtaining toxic assets from the books of non-primary dealers, and providing stability and liquidity from the aggregate value of all dollar holders to cover the misdeeds of diverse financial institutions and other favored parties. In other words, the Fed is draining the financial debt swamp and toxic waste dumps into your basement, if you hold Federal Reserve Notes.

drain; Fed's Tri Party Repo Machine; Jesse's Café Américain; swamping.

The Big Picture Fri 2009-10-23 09:03 EDT

Dick Alford on Opportunities Lost by the Fed

Against a backdrop of continued financial fragility and extraordinary policy actions, policymakers are discussing re-balancing global growth, restoring financial stability, and the future of the Dollar as the world's reserve currency. In 2005, Edwin Truman proposed a list of policy measures that if followed would have reduced the US external imbalance and placed the reserve status of the Dollar on better footing. Truman's proposal differed from the standard litany of US fiscal discipline, Dollar adjustment, and increased demand in surplus countries. It called upon the Federal Reserve to slow the growth in US demand. More recent research, by Shin and Adrian, suggests that if the Fed had heeded Truman's prescription, then monetary policy would have also mitigated the recent turmoil in financial markets...

Big Picture; Dick Alford; Fed; opportunity lost.

Credit Writedowns Fri 2009-10-23 09:00 EDT

The next crisis is already under way

Wolfgang Munchau of the Financial Times wrote a very important comment piece in today's Financial Times. In it he said that central banks are targeting asset prices to avoid the brunt of cyclical downturns. This policy is inducing asset bubbles and creating a more volatile real economy with unpredictable negative consequences...Munchau invokes Hyman Minsky's model of financial instability to help explain how this sets us up for a volatile future because traditional macroeconomic theory is inadequate for understanding what got us to this point. In essence, the idyllic state of economic and price stability we know as ``the Great Moderation'' is really just a financialization of the economy. However, a large financial sector leads to excessive dependence on asset prices to fuel growth, which in turn leads to an accumulation of debt...

credit writedowns; Crisis; way.

The Big Picture Sun 2009-10-11 17:12 EDT

Andy Xie: Why One Bubble Burst Deserves Another

...Lehman died in vain. Today, governments and central banks are celebrating their victorious stabilizing of the global financial system. To achieve the same, they could have saved Lehman with US$ 50 billion. Instead, they have spent trillions of dollars -- probably more than US$ 10 trillion when we get the final tally -- to reach the same objective. Meanwhile, a broader goal to reform the financial system has seen absolutely no progress...The lesson from the Lehman collapse seems to be, ``Take whatever you can and, when it crashes, you get to keep it.'' How governments and central banks have dealt with this bubble will encourage more people to join bubble making in the future.

Andy Xie; Big Picture; bubble burst deserves.

Tue 2009-09-29 11:10 EDT

Steeling for a Currency Deal in Pittsburgh? - Up and Down Wall Street Daily - Barrons.com

An options play suggests somebody expects the G20 to hatch a scheme to stabilize currencies. Duct tape for the dollar?...Reports John F. Brady, futures expert at MF Global, there was a big seller of "volatility" in the euro versus the dollar Thursday...What's curious, Brady explains, is that vols on the euro already are low, so it's hard to see them going much lower...Which got me to wondering if the volatility seller was thinking the G20 would do something to force volatility lower -- that is, stabilize exchange rates...Notwithstanding the calls for a replacement of the dollar as the main reserve currency, gold isn't it, according to long-time market observer David P. Goldman,..."Even a rather wobbly reserve currency is better than gold," he writes as his alter ego, Spengler, whom he "channels" for Asia Times (www.atimes.com.) "Gold is far less liquid than U.S. Treasury securities, costly to store and insure, and above all more volatile in price...gold isn't an investment but an insurance policy against a breakdown of the function of the world financial system."

Barrons; com; currency deal; Pittsburgh; steel; Wall Street Daily.

Calculated Risk Tue 2009-09-22 09:28 EDT

GAO Report: AIG Stabilized, Repayment "Unclear"

A report on AIG from the General Accounting Office (GAO): While federal assistance has helped stabilize AIG's financial condition, GAO-developed indicators suggest that AIG's ability to restructure its business and repay the government is unclear at this time.

AIG Stabilized; Calculated Risk; GAO report; repayments; unclear.

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis Sun 2009-09-20 11:23 EDT

Yellen Calls For "U" Shaped Recession and Another Jobless Recovery

...excerpts from Janet Yellen's Outlook for Recovery in the U.S. Economy: ...the complex topic of inflation. In my career, I have never witnessed a situation like the one that exists now, when views about inflation risks have coalesced into two diametrically opposed camps. On the one hand, one group worries about the long-term inflationary implications of a seemingly endless procession of massive federal budget deficits. At the same time, others fear that economic slack and downward wage pressure are pushing inflation below rates that are considered consistent with price stability and even raising the specter of outright deflation... My personal belief is that the more significant threat to price stability over the next several years stems from the disinflationary forces unleashed by the enormous slack in the economy.

Jobless Recovery; Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis; Shaped Recession; U; Yellen called.

Thu 2009-09-17 10:02 EDT

``No One Saw This Coming'': Understanding Financial Crisis Through Accounting Models - Munich RePEc Personal Archive

This paper presents evidence that accounting (or flow-of-fund) macroeconomic models helped anticipate the credit crisis and economic recession. Equilibrium models ubiquitous in mainstream policy and research did not. This study identifies core differences, traces their intellectual pedigrees, and includes case studies of both types of models. It so provides constructive recommendations on revising methods of financial stability assessment. Overall, the paper is a plea for research into the link between accounting concepts and practices and macro economic outcomes.

accounts model; comes; Munich RePEc Personal Archive; saw; Understanding Financial Crisis.

naked capitalism Sun 2009-09-13 16:32 EDT

Guest Post: The Economy Will Not Recover Until Trust is Restored

...our economy is not fundamentally stabilizing ...because the government and the financial giants are taking actions and releasing data which encourage more distortion and less trust..all of the happy talk in the world won't turn the economy around when the fundamentals of the economy are lousy, or there has been a giant bubble and vast overleveraging, or there has been massive fraud, or the government has gone so far into debt that it has formed a black hole... the chair of the congressional oversight committee of the bailouts (Elizabeth Warren) and the senior regulator during the S & L crisis (William Black) both say that hiding the true state of affairs and trying to put a happy face on an economic crisis just prolongs the length and severity of the crash...trying to instill false confidence will actually backfire on Summers, Geithner, Bernanke and the boys and make the crisis worse.

economy; Guest Post; naked capitalism; recover; restore; trust.

Bruce Krasting Fri 2009-09-04 18:30 EDT

Open Letter to FHFA's New Director Edward DeMarco - A Proposal for the Agency REO/Preferred Shares

Let me welcome you to your new responsibilities. You have a very important job. There are a significant number of people in the financial world who lie awake at night worrying about the mortgage lenders you are responsible for. Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and the FHLBs hold or guaranty $6.3 Trillion in residential mortgages. It is simply not possible for the US to get out of the mess we are in unless these Agencies are stabilized. Should those Agencies fail, all that has been done to heal the US financial sector will have been wasted. In a significant manner, your success or failure will determine the medium term course of the US economy.

Agency REO/Preferred Shares; Bruce Krasting; FHFA's New Director Edward DeMarco; Open Letter; proposed.

ClubOrlov Wed 2009-08-26 11:24 EDT

Definancialisation, Deglobalisation, Relocalisation

This talk was presented at The New Emergency Conference in Dublin, on June 11, 2009. ``we all have to prepare for life without much money, where imported goods are scarce, and where people have to provide for their own needs, and those of their immediate neighbours'' ``Most of the wealth is in very few private hands right now. Governments and the vast majority of the people only have debt. It is important to convince people who control all this wealth that they really have two choices. They can trust their investment advisers, maintain their current portfolios, and eventually lose everything. Or they can use their wealth to reengage with people and the land in new ways, in which case they stand a chance of saving something for themselves and their children. They can build and launch lifeboats, recruit crew, and set them sailing.'' 1. Good morning. The title of this talk is a bit of a mouthful, but what I want to say can be summed up in simpler words: we all have to prepare for life without much money, where imported goods are scarce, and where people have to provide for their own needs, and those of their immediate neighbours. I will take as my point of departure the unfolding collapse of the global economy, and discuss what might come next. It started with the collapse of the financial markets last year, and is now resulting in unprecedented decreases in the volumes of international trade. These developments are also starting to affect the political stability of...

ClubOrlov; Definancialisation; Deglobalisation; relocalisation.

Thu 2009-07-23 00:00 EDT

The Texas Observer > Commentary by James K. Galbraith -

The Texas Observer > Commentary by James K. Galbraith - Causes of the Crisis; ``The idea that capitalism...is inherently self-stabilizing'', former Texas Senator Phil Gramm, and ``abandonment of state responsibility for financial regulation''

commentary; James K. Galbraith; Texas Observer.

Thu 2008-06-19 00:00 EDT

naked capitalism: Paulson Pushing Harder for Fed As Financial Stability Regulator

"one can argue that our financial distress is the result of the central bank's mission creep"; "a financial stability role conflicts with tough oversight"

Fed; Financial Stability Regulator; naked capitalism; Paulson Pushing Harder.

Mon 2008-03-31 00:00 EDT

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Who's Holding The Bag?

Buffett versus Greenspan on derivatives; "the development of credit derivatives has contributed to the stability of the banking system", or "rapidly growing trade in derivatives poses a "mega-catastrophic risk" for the economy"; 2007-07-04

bag; Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis; S hold.

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