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Fri 2010-04-02 19:12 EDT

Shopaholic China: China's Global Shopping Spree: Is the World's Future Resource Map Tilting East?

...anticipating the kind of voracious resource consumption that goes with anticipated future growth, and worried about the availability of adequate supplies, giant Chinese energy and manufacturing firms -- many of them state-owned -- have been on a veritable spending binge when it comes to locking down resource supplies for the twenty-first century. They have acquired oil fields, natural gas reserves, mines, pipelines, refineries, and other resource assets in a global buying spree of almost unprecedented proportions...

China's Global Shopping Spree; Shopaholic China; world's future resource map tilting east.

Culture of Life News Tue 2010-03-30 16:01 EDT

Empires Must Regulate Trade And Finances

I keep harping on the trade deficit issue since all of the other messes revolve around this misbalance...The `Me, Myself, and I' ethos is self-centered, childish and foolish. It comes out of living inside a major empire. The individual puffs up him or herself and decides, thanks to being fairly free inside of this empire, that the empire is stupid and doesn't need to be coaxed, nurtured or controlled. Instead, various individuals work day and night to evade taxes that support the imperial superstructure. They bribe politicians to allow looting of the purse via inflated war costs, corruption in buying services, tweaking laws so they channel all collective wealth into a few individual pockets, etc...The people are a collective. If they are individuals, they will be eaten by internationalist wolves or other empires that are not individuals. This is a harsh historical lesson: individuals eventually lose to organized groups...Mostly, throughout history, the freest people have been the CITIZENS of an empire (NOT the victims being oppressed by the empire). Free nations exist only in the shadows of an empire...This is why growing and preserving empires is more important than pretending to be an individual who has no ties to anything. Seriously, when major empires fall, the ability to roam the planet at will vanishes pretty fast...

Culture; Empire; finance; Life News; regulate trade.

The Golden Truth Fri 2010-03-19 12:26 EDT

When Will the Fed Announce More QE (Money Printing to Buy Treasuries/Bad Bank Assets)?

I've been getting a lot of inquiry as to when we can expect Banana Ben to announce the extension of the Fed using printed money and Taxpayer guarantees to continue bailing out Big Banks and the Treasury...QE will not end and the Fed will do whatever it takes to continue printing money at an accelerating rate, but in a way that will be insidiously devious...

Buy Treasuries/Bad Bank Assets; Fed announced; Golden Truth; money printing; QE.

Jesse's Café Américain Tue 2010-03-09 17:47 EST

Iceland Voters Reject Bank Bailouts in Crushing Electoral Defeat; Neo-Liberalism In Context

...Iceland is a victim of the neo-liberal economic deregulation of the 1990's, in which a few bankers can buy the government, and rack up enormous profits for themselves in Ponzi like leverage, and then attempt to socialize the debt back to the people when their schemes collapse...

context; crushing electoral defeat; Iceland Voters Reject Bank Bailouts; Jesse's Café Américain; neo-liberalism.

Tue 2010-03-09 17:33 EST

The Golden Truth: Is a Big Oil Producer in the Middle East Hoovering Gold?

Yesterday, The Gartman Letter contained a comment from a Canadian "friend" who stated that according to his sources: ...an oil producer in [the Middle East] is converting about 200,000 BPD of oil sales into gold bullion - this offtake would equal about 6% of annual gold production...the quiet flight from dollars is accelerating ...Europeans have become extremely fearful of a global systemic collapse and many wealthy people there are buying as much gold/silver as they can and taking direct possession in order to avoid depository fraud...

big oil producers; Golden Truth; Middle East Hoovering Gold.



The recent uptick in stocks has not been met with much enthusiasm by corporate insiders. In fact, pessimism rules the day in the land of insider buying and selling trends...The selling was the highest level experienced this year. Interestingly, as the rally has continued insiders have actually increased their selling...

INSIDER SELLING HITS NEW 2010 HIGH; pragmatic capitalists.

Fri 2010-02-26 16:47 EST

'Buy farmland and gold,' advises Dr Doom - Times Online

The world's most powerful investors have been advised to buy farmland, stock up on gold and prepare for a ``dirty war'' by Marc Faber, the notoriously bearish market pundit, who predicted the 1987 stock market crash.

advises Dr Doom; Buys farmland; gold; time online.

The Money Game Tue 2010-02-16 16:49 EST

Inflation Protected Bonds Murdered As PIMCO And BlackRock's Hyperinflation Fears Flounder

Investors are increasingly giving up on hyperinflation bets. For example, investors are willing to buy standard U.S. treasury bonds that pay just 3.69% yield. That doesn't leave room for much inflation...The niche market of Treasury Inflation Protected Securities (TIPS, bonds that adjust their yield to inflation) is giving up on its inflation concerns as well. As this market is too small for major central bank investment, it's far harder to argue away the lack of inflation it forecasts.

BlackRock's Hyperinflation Fears Flounder; Inflation Protected Bonds Murdered; Money game; PIMCO.

The Economic Populist - Speak Your Mind 2 Cents at a Time Sun 2010-02-07 18:20 EST

Is Residential Real Estate a Ticking Time Bomb?

...First is the latest SIGTARP report saying the Government has become the mortgage market with U.S. taxpayers shouldering the risk. From the SIGTARP report we have a 100% government mortgage market at this point...Fannie and Freddie now have an unlimited bailout and it is estimated they have lost $400 billion dollars. The plan is to purchase $1.25 trillion mortgage backed securities from these two GSEs until the end of March...The number of homeowners who are strategically walking away from their mortgages is up to 10% this year...All of the above free money, the government pouring in trillions of dollars to prop up the housing market. Yet while price declines have slowed, prices are still declining and the above simply cannot go on forever. In fact one thing isn't going on forever. The Fed will stop buying MBSes at the end of March, 2010. So, when our government created illusion does pop, do we then have the real housing bubble implosion?

economic populist; Mind 2 Cents; residential real estate; speaking; ticking time bomb; Time.

Fri 2010-02-05 11:29 EST

Michael Hudson: Myths of Recovery

...Obama's most dangerous belief is in the myth that the economy needs the financial sector to lead its recovery by providing credit. Every economy needs a means of payment, which is why Wall Street has been able to threaten to wreck the economy if the government does not give in to its demands. But the monetary function should not be confused with predatory lending and casino gambling, not to mention Wall Street's use of bailout funds on lobbying efforts to spread its gospel...The pro-financial mass media reiterate that deficits are inflationary and bankrupt economies. The reality is that Keynesian-style deficits raise wage levels relative to the price of property (the cost of obtaining housing, and of buying stocks and bonds to yield a retirement income). The aim of running a ``Wall Street deficit'' is just the reverse: It is to re-inflate property prices relative to wages. A generation of financial ``ideological engineering'' has told people to welcome asset-price inflation (the Bubble Economy). People became accustomed to imagine that they were getting richer when the price of their homes rose. The problem is that real estate is worth what banks will lend -- and mortgage loans are a form of debt, which needs to be repaid.

Michael Hudson; myth; recovery.

Sat 2010-01-09 13:15 EST

A real ``loaves to fishes'' miracle, taking place every day in America <<; Fabius Maximus

...buying a Congressman provides the highest return on investment available today in America. No wonder capital investment and R&D lag our peers, when bribery pays off so well.

America; day; Fabius Maximus; FISHING; Loaves; Miracle; Real; take place.

Thu 2010-01-07 19:54 EST

Conversation with John Rubino <<; Phil's Favorites -- By Ilene

John Rubino is the co-author, with GoldMoney's James Turk, of The Collapse of the Dollar and How to Profit From It (Doubleday, 2007), and author of Clean Money: Picking Winners in the Green-Tech Boom (Wiley, 2008), How to Profit from the Coming Real Estate Bust (Rodale, 2003) and Main Street, Not Wall Street (Morrow, 1998)...``This is the end of a long era and the beginning of another that is not going to be nearly as nice.''...go to a coin dealer and buy some gold and silver coins and then store them in a safe place. And gold and silver mining stocks will go up if the dollar goes down...Clean tech is interesting...which of the twenty different possible clean tech sectors do you want to focus on first? ...The best of them is called smart grid....

conversations; Ilene; John Rubino; Phil's Favorites.

Jesse's Café Américain Mon 2009-12-28 21:07 EST

Who Is Buying All These US Treasuries (And Can They Keep It Up in 2010)?

...according to the government, US households are absolutely piling into US sovereign and corporate debt at record levels, and at record low interest rates. And almost no one but the Fed is buying Agency Debt...this is why I think we might see quite a bloodbath in the bonds in 2010, as mom and pop get skinned by the Street for weighing in so heavily on this one sided trade in US sovereign debt. The US household sector is a slow moving convoy, presenting a traditional and tempting target for the Wall Street wolf packs...Sprott Asset Management says: "Our concern now is that this is all starting to resemble one giant Ponzi scheme. We all know that the Fed has been active in the market for T-bills...under the auspices of Quantitative Easing, they bought almost 50% of the new Treasury issues in Q2 and almost 30% in Q3...We are now in a situation, however, where the Fed is printing dollars to buy Treasuries as a means of faking the Treasury's ability to attract outside capital. If our research proves anything, it's that the regular buyers of US debt are no longer buying, and it amazes us that the US can successfully issue a record number Treasuries in this environment without the slightest hiccup in the market."

2010; buy; Jesse's Café Américain; keeping; Treasury.

naked capitalism Mon 2009-12-28 17:34 EST

Has Obama been a success despite suspicions of crony capitalism?

...There is a rather large body of evidence demonstrating that the Bush and Obama Administrations have favored large banks in an unseemly way. The same is true for the Congress and other big business insiders like Big Pharma, the Defense Industry and Health Insurance companies...we have witnessed an orchestrated campaign by the Bush and Obama Administrations to recapitalize too big to fail institutions by hook or by crook, bypassing Congressional approval if necessary. And when it comes to healthcare, both Congress and the White House have bent over backwards to keep the lobbyists onside. As I see it, our government has favored special interests in the past year of Obama's tenure to our detriment. Personally, I don't buy the line that Obama is a liberal. I consider him more a corporatist (i.e someone who coddles big business). But, from a political perspective, it's not really relevant, is it? What difference does it make whether President Obama is a liberal sellout as Matt Taibbi claims or a pragmatic corporatist, if the outcome for the electorate is largely the same? Forget about intent. Focus on actions.

Crony Capitalism; naked capitalism; Obama; Success; suspicion.

Jesse's Café Américain Mon 2009-12-28 16:27 EST

Monetization: Treasury Adds $400 Billion in Bailouts for Fannie and Freddie

What's another $400 Billion in monetization so that Fannie and Freddie can keep buying up mortgage debt? Timmy and Ben can continue to distribute dollars even as they approach a virtual insolvency because they can create them, seemingly out of nothing. The payment for their dollar debt is their creature -- dollars. But they cannot hand out endless amounts of nature's wealth, things like oil, gold, grains, and silver except as they may possess them by industry, force, or fraud.

400; Bailout; Fannie; Freddie; Jesse's Café Américain; monetize; Treasury Adds.

Mon 2009-12-28 15:56 EST

Provide A Public Service With Small Profits, Or Destroy It With Large Ones? | The Agonist

...I don't buy all the hype that the internet is even the primary culprit of the demise of journalism. The primary culprit is the same as it is all over the country, in every industry and in government: equity extraction...You can provide a public service with small profits for a long, long time, but if you demand large ones you will destroy it. Just ask the big banks.

Agonist; destroyed; large ones; provided; Public services; small profit.

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