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zero hedge Tue 2010-01-05 19:26 EST

Roubini Blasts "The Barbarous Relic," Recommends Spam Over Gold

In a headline piece on roubini.com, Nouriel Roubini writes an extended article slamming both gold bugs, and the so-called gold bubble, which he believes is far too volatile, and which, contrary to ever increasing claims to the opposite, will likely not get to the mythical price of $2000/ounce, and instead will head lower. The argument presented, as is widely the case, boils down to the trifecta of i)gold having no industrial utility, ii) no intrinsic value (no associated cash flow streams) and iii) costing an arm and a leg to store. While Roubini's thesis is attractive on the surface (if somewhat Keynesian and thus often reiterated by mainstream Economists), we present some counter arguments to Roubini's thesis.

barbaric relic; gold; Recommends Spam; Roubini blast; Zero Hedge.

Jesse's Café Américain Tue 2010-01-05 19:05 EST

Is the US Goverment Preparing the Lifeboats for the Next Financial Disaster?

The fraud and mispricing of risk in the US financial system has become pervasive and epidemic, such that a good stiff headwind could have taken it all down, and because of a lack of serious reform, still can. Rather than fixing potential causes of the next disaster, the Obama Administration seems content to block the escape routes and issue priority passes to the big Wall Street banks and a favored few...The only constraint on the Fed's printing money is the acceptability (marginal value) of the Bond and the dollar, which is the bond of zero duration. And the people making the decisions about printing and distributing those dollars are more unworthy of holding such power than you might imagine, even in your lowest expectations.

financial disaster; Goverment Preparing; Jesse's Café Américain; lifeboat.

Taibblog Mon 2010-01-04 18:02 EST

There's always room for Goldman Sachs (at the SEC)

The Securities and Exchange Commission hired a 29-year-old former employee in Goldman Sachs Group Inc.'s business intelligence unit as the first chief operating officer in the agency's enforcement division, according to people familiar with the decision. via SEC unit hires ex-Goldman Sachs worker as chief operating officer -- latimes.com.

Goldman Sachs; room; s; SEC; Taibblog.

Mon 2010-01-04 17:56 EST

Salon.com | Another Goldman executive named to key government post as its profits skyrocket

A Goldman Sachs executive has been named the first chief operating officer of the Securities and Exchange Commission's enforcement division. The market watchdog says Adam Storch, vice president in Goldman Sachs' Business Intelligence Group, is assuming the new position of managing executive of the SEC division.

com; Goldman executive named; key government post; profits skyrocket; Salon.

naked capitalism Sun 2010-01-03 16:33 EST

``What's in Store for 2010''

...some thoughts on what might happen in 2010...

2010; naked capitalism; s; store.

naked capitalism Sun 2010-01-03 15:28 EST

Guest Post: Military Spending is INCREASING Unemployment and REDUCING GDP

PhD economist Dean Baker pointed out yesterday that America's massive military spending on unnecessary and unpopular wars actually lowers economic growth and increases unemployment...

Guest Post; increasing unemployment; military spending; naked capitalism; reduce GDP.

Credit Writedowns Sun 2010-01-03 11:48 EST

Manipulating mortgages

The dust has settled a bit on the Treasury's recent decision to give Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac a green light to nationalize our mortgage problem...I see Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac as a means of manipulating interest rates and distorting the allocation of resources and funneling precious capital investment into a housing sector which suffers a dreadful amount of overcapacity. This is bubble economics pure and simple and it will fail spectacularly.

credit writedowns; Manipulation Mortgage.

naked capitalism Sun 2010-01-03 10:58 EST

On Goldman's (and Now Morgan Stanley's) Deceptive Synthetic CDO Practices (aka Screwing Their Customers)

Goldman is trying to diffuse the increasingly harsh light being turned on its dubious practices in the collateralized debt obligation market, with the wattage turned up considerably last week by a story in the New York Times that described how a synthetic CDO program called Abacus was the means by which Goldman famously went ``net short'' subprime....Goldman wanted its Abacus trades to fail. That was the most profitable course of action for them (note the Times clearly states that that was the role of the Abacus trades and Goldman has not disputed that claim). They were net short, this was no mere hedge of a long position but a trading bet. And those CDOs did turn out to be big turkeys...

aka Screwing; customer; Deceptive Synthetic CDO Practices; Goldman's; Morgan Stanley's; naked capitalism.

Debtor's prison Sun 2010-01-03 10:37 EST

Would a Single World Currency be GOOD for the world?

...One Single World Currency (SWC) is a topic that we have discussed many times from the very early days of this blog. For months, our discussions have focused on the causes behind the eventual collapse of the current USD-backed financial system, the apparent INEVITABILITY of this collapse and the very high LIKELIHOOD that the proposed solution to this will be a global monetary system backed by a single currency unit -- perhaps a modified version of an IMF SDR as Jesse suggests, or something new altogether. While most of our energy has been spent demonstrating the high likelihood (in our opinion, inevitability) of a SWC, we have been cowards when it comes to taking a stance on a SWC either way. Our apparent neutrality thus far has been largely motivated by a desire to remain unbiased while we explored some of the Numbers/definitions first. Having set these foundations and thought about the matter for some time, the gloves finally come off and we declare ourselves to be VEHEMENTLY OPPOSED to a SWC, both technically and in principle and spirit...we argue that the significantly increased trade granularity of the past few decades diminishes the need for a SWC, and in fact, creates ideal situations for the establishment of more localized currencies, which would be infinitely more stable than a SWC...increased trade granularity (which is a fact) increases the pheasibility and stability of local, floating currencies, to the point that they might be a preferable alternative to a SWC.

Debtor s Prison; good; Single World Currency; world.

zero hedge Mon 2009-12-28 22:26 EST

Moody's CMBS Delinquency Tracker Hits Decade High

Yes, yes, everyone knows commercial real estate is a neutron bomb waiting to go off, and while many are yapping, nobody is doing jack. The Fed will deal with that implosion, the expectation goes, just as tidily as it dealt with the last bubble implosion...Delinquency increased 37 basis points in October, as measured by the Moody's Delinquency Tracker (DQT). The delinquency rate now stands at 4.01%, more than six times the rate seen at the same time last year. The rate has increased over 375 basis points from the low reached in July 2007, with further increases anticipated.

Moody's CMBS Delinquency Tracker Hits Decade High; Zero Hedge.

naked capitalism Mon 2009-12-28 22:05 EST

``Body Count From Goldman Actions Crosses Into Criminal Territory''

Readers may have noticed Janet Tavakoli's recent article at Huffington Post on Goldman Sachs and AIG. While much of it covers territory that Yves and I already wrote about previously, Ms. Tavakoli stops short of telling the whole story...The Federal Reserve and the Treasury aided and abetted Goldman Sachs in committing financial and ethical crimes at an astounding level.

Body Count; Criminal Territory; Goldman Actions Crosses; naked capitalism.

Jesse's Café Américain Mon 2009-12-28 21:07 EST

Who Is Buying All These US Treasuries (And Can They Keep It Up in 2010)?

...according to the government, US households are absolutely piling into US sovereign and corporate debt at record levels, and at record low interest rates. And almost no one but the Fed is buying Agency Debt...this is why I think we might see quite a bloodbath in the bonds in 2010, as mom and pop get skinned by the Street for weighing in so heavily on this one sided trade in US sovereign debt. The US household sector is a slow moving convoy, presenting a traditional and tempting target for the Wall Street wolf packs...Sprott Asset Management says: "Our concern now is that this is all starting to resemble one giant Ponzi scheme. We all know that the Fed has been active in the market for T-bills...under the auspices of Quantitative Easing, they bought almost 50% of the new Treasury issues in Q2 and almost 30% in Q3...We are now in a situation, however, where the Fed is printing dollars to buy Treasuries as a means of faking the Treasury's ability to attract outside capital. If our research proves anything, it's that the regular buyers of US debt are no longer buying, and it amazes us that the US can successfully issue a record number Treasuries in this environment without the slightest hiccup in the market."

2010; buy; Jesse's Café Américain; keeping; Treasury.

Jesse's Café Américain Mon 2009-12-28 18:59 EST

The US Bull Market in Smoke, Mirrors and Gullible Investors

We have given quite a bit of coverage to the somewhat 'thin' veneer of recovery being spun by misleading government econmic statistics in the US. And we have certainly noted the almost blatant manipulation in many US markets, including stocks and commodities where the banks and hedge funds have been pushing prices around, sometimes with the help of the government, in a disgraceful repudiation of any notion of reform. Thanks to the Tylers at ZeroHedge we have two very nice charts to present the case that the recent continuation of the US stock market rally is attributable to price manipulation largely in the after hours markets when trading is thin.

Bull Markets; gullible investors; Jesse's Café Américain; mirror; Smoke.

naked capitalism Mon 2009-12-28 17:34 EST

Has Obama been a success despite suspicions of crony capitalism?

...There is a rather large body of evidence demonstrating that the Bush and Obama Administrations have favored large banks in an unseemly way. The same is true for the Congress and other big business insiders like Big Pharma, the Defense Industry and Health Insurance companies...we have witnessed an orchestrated campaign by the Bush and Obama Administrations to recapitalize too big to fail institutions by hook or by crook, bypassing Congressional approval if necessary. And when it comes to healthcare, both Congress and the White House have bent over backwards to keep the lobbyists onside. As I see it, our government has favored special interests in the past year of Obama's tenure to our detriment. Personally, I don't buy the line that Obama is a liberal. I consider him more a corporatist (i.e someone who coddles big business). But, from a political perspective, it's not really relevant, is it? What difference does it make whether President Obama is a liberal sellout as Matt Taibbi claims or a pragmatic corporatist, if the outcome for the electorate is largely the same? Forget about intent. Focus on actions.

Crony Capitalism; naked capitalism; Obama; Success; suspicion.

naked capitalism Mon 2009-12-28 17:16 EST

Guest Post: Princeton Economist and Computer Scientists Show that Derivatives Are Inherently Vulnerable to Fraud

...the main default risk model for credit default swaps -- the ``Gaussian copula function'' -- was inherently flawed. Now, Princeton University economists and computer scientists have demonstrated that financial derivatives are also inherently vulnerable to fraudulent pricing. PhysOrg summarizes Princeton's findings: ...sellers of these investments could purposefully include pieces of bad risk that no buyer could detect even with the most powerful computers... the problem arises from asymmetric information between buyers and sellers, and goes against conventional wisdom in economic theory, which holds that derivatives reduce the negative effects of such unequal information.

Computer Scientists Show; derivative; fraud; Guest Post; inherently vulnerable; naked capitalism; Princeton economists.

The Money Game Mon 2009-12-28 16:44 EST

Here's The Secret Reason We Eliminated The Bailout Caps On Fannie And Freddie (FNM, FRE)

On Christmas Eve, when the news was assured of getting no coverage whatsoever, The White House announced that it had eliminated the maximum bailout cap for Fannie Mae (FNM) and Freddie (FRE). As some observers have pointed out, all the move really did was formalize what everyone has figured for decades, that the two zombie GSEs were truly organs of the federal government, and that their debts would be backed up ad infinitum. So, why the move, and why then? Credit analyst Edwart Pinto shares his theories.

Bailout Caps; eliminate; Fannie; FNM; FRE; Freddie; Money game; s; secret reasons.

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