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naked capitalism Mon 2009-12-28 16:40 EST

Will Continued Stealth Bailout of Housing Produce Unwanted Side Effects?

The Treasury Department...considerably increased its Freddie and Fannie safety net, by removing all limits on the amounts on offer (an increase from a ceiling of $400 billion) and simultaneously allowing the two GSEs to increase their balance sheets near term. Previously, they had been required to shrink their portfolios by 10% per annum; now it is their ceiling which will be lowered by 10% a year, and that ceiling is much higher than their current exposures ($900 billion versus roughly $760 billion for Freddie and $770 billion for Fannie as of the end of November)...So one has to conclude that the agencies might well (ahem, are likely to) throw their firepower behind the ``prop up the mortgage market'' program, particularly with Obama's ratings plunging and mid-term elections coming this year. But if this comes to pass, what might the collateral damage be?

Continued Stealth Bailout; Housing Produce Unwanted Side Effects; naked capitalism.

Jesse's Café Américain Mon 2009-12-28 16:27 EST

Monetization: Treasury Adds $400 Billion in Bailouts for Fannie and Freddie

What's another $400 Billion in monetization so that Fannie and Freddie can keep buying up mortgage debt? Timmy and Ben can continue to distribute dollars even as they approach a virtual insolvency because they can create them, seemingly out of nothing. The payment for their dollar debt is their creature -- dollars. But they cannot hand out endless amounts of nature's wealth, things like oil, gold, grains, and silver except as they may possess them by industry, force, or fraud.

400; Bailout; Fannie; Freddie; Jesse's Café Américain; monetize; Treasury Adds.

Jesse's Café Américain Mon 2009-12-28 16:22 EST

What Will the World Reserve Currency System Become? The Stakes Are Enormous

The deterioration of the dollar reserve currency regime is obvious.If we have forecasted correctly, the world will look to some variation of the IMF's Special Drawing Rights as an eventual replacement for the US dollar. Therefore, the recomposition of the SDR next year will become a lightning rod for the global stresses created by an increasingly unstable and impractical system of global trade...A new global currency should replace the US dollar as the international reserve currency, as the long-term deterioration of America's economy and the greenback is fuelling a "currency-regime crisis," says Martin Wolf, associate editor and chief economics commentator of the Financial Times.

Enormous; Jesse's Café Américain; stake; World Reserve Currency System Become.

zero hedge Mon 2009-12-28 15:57 EST

What Came First: The Federal Reserve Or Economic Bubbles? A Brief History Of The Federal Reserve's Creation

A fantastic history of the reasons for, and the creation of, the Federal Reserve, courtesy of Murray Rothbard and our friends at Mises Institute, with the article originally appearing in Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics, Vol. 2, No. 3 (Fall 1999), pp. 3--51. It is also reprinted in A History of Money and Banking in the United States and as a monograph. This is a must read for anyone who is curious why the Federal Reserve (with or without Goldman) is the sole organization responsible for not only perpetuating the interests of a select few of financial oligarchs, but in essence shaping monetary, fiscal, financial and political policy in the entire developed world.

Brief History; CAME; economic bubbles; Federal Reserve; Federal Reserve's Creation; Zero Hedge.

zero hedge Mon 2009-12-28 15:12 EST

Quantitative Easing Has Been A Monetary Failure; Persistent Deflation Means More Fed Intervention Coming Soon

As more and more pundits discuss the spectre of inflation, with gold flying to all time highs which many explain as an inflation hedge, not to mention stock price performance which is extrapolating virtual hyperinflation, the market "truth" as determined by Fed Fund futures and options is, and continues to be, diametrically opposite...Bernanke is very likely about to unleash Quantitative Easing 2: If the $1.7 trillion already thrown at the problem has not fixed it, you can bet that the Chairman will not stop here. Furthermore, as the Fed has the best perspective on the economy, which is certainly far worse than is represented, the Fed has to act fast before things escalate even more out of control. Which is why Zero Hedge is willing to wager that not only will the agency/MBS program not expire in March as it is supposed to, but that a parallel QE process will likely begin very shortly. The end result of all these actions, of course, is that the value of the dollar is about to plummet: when Bernanke announces that not only will he not end QE but that he will launch another version of the program, expect the dollar to take off on its one way path to $2 = €1. And when that happens, look for global trade to cease completely. In its quest to continue bailing out the banking system and rolling the trillions of toxic loans it refuses to accept are worthless (for if it did, equity values in the banking system would go, to zero immediately), the Fed will promptly resume destroying not only the US middle class, but the entire system of global trade built through many years of globalization. Look for America to end up in an insulated liquidity bubble in a few short years, trading exclusively with its vassal master: the People's Republic of China.

Fed Intervention Coming; Monetary Failure; Persistent Deflation Means; Quantitative Easing; Zero Hedge.

zero hedge Mon 2009-12-28 15:05 EST

Guest Post: Deficit Doubles for Government's Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp.

...let's take a look at the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp - another Ponzi scheme in a country now running a series of them, full tilt, concurrently. Also known as "prosperity". The PBGC bailout will just be a pebble versus what could be faced in the greater pension system as a whole... $1 trillion?

deficit double; Government's Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp; Guest Post; Zero Hedge.

naked capitalism Wed 2009-12-23 10:03 EST

Guest Post: The Real Reason Newspapers Are Losing Money, And Why Bailing Out Failing Newspapers Would Create Moral Hazard in the Media

Conventional wisdom is that the Internet is responsible for destroying the profits of traditional print media like newspapers. But Michael Moore and Sean Paul Kelley are blaming the demise of newspapers on simple greed.

bailed; creating moral hazard; Failing Newspaper; Guest Post; lose money; media; naked capitalism; real reason newspapers.

zero hedge Tue 2009-12-22 12:35 EST

Guest Post: Fed-Covert Money Printing Alert

This note contains an update on where Fed printing stands, how much is left, what the pace of purchases is, and when the program will stop. It also updates the Fed's balance sheet, and its inflationary impact. This update houses some very important developments, due to actions at the US Treasury in coordination with the Fed.

Fed-Covert Money Printing Alert; Guest Post; Zero Hedge.

Debtor's prison Mon 2009-12-21 20:17 EST

Transitioning to a Global Credit Regime Part I

...this is the first in a series of posts that will aim to discuss and dissect the more likely nature, features and requirements of the global monetary and debt system that will emerge once the current one disintegrates. To be clear, we define the current system as consisting of fiat sovereign currencies collaterized by sovereign (and now private) debt, primarily from the US. It is precisely this system that we have come to believe is unsustainable and will eventually crash in what many people call the Dollar Event Horizon (DEH). What emerges after DEH must therefore not be of a sovereign nature, but of a global one; of that we are certain.

Debtor s Prison; Global Credit Regime Part; transition.

zero hedge Mon 2009-12-21 19:54 EST

Cautionary Observations From A Chronological Analysis Of The S&P 500 Balance Sheet

...In essence the entire S&P is one big High Yield credit, and would likely be rated in the B2/B area by the rating agencies (assuming these had any credibility). As such, the cost of debt of the combined S&P if it were a standalone company would be around 7.5-8.5%. That it is currently much lower due to the Fed's intervention in the interest rate market is an aberration: look for cost of debt (and, by implication, overall capital) to spike broadly over the next several years, as normalcy (hopefully) returns. ...Both the return on assets (EBITDA/total assets) and return on equity (EBITDA/Shareholders' Equity) has plunged...companies are scrambling to beef up the asset side of their balance sheets even as debt continues to be a major threat. The problem, however, as this brief exercise has shown, is that incremental assets are of lesser and lesser quality (even assuming no major goodwill impairments in the future), and the actual cash they generate continues eroding.

Cautionary Observations; Chronological Analysis; P 500 Balance Sheet; s; Zero Hedge.

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis Mon 2009-12-21 19:32 EST

Fictional Reserve Lending And The Myth Of Excess Reserves

...The chart shows an unprecedented amount of excess reserves, almost $1.2 trillion. According to Money Multiplier Theory (MMT) and Fractional Reserve Lending, this amount may be lent out as much as 10 times over and when it does, massive inflation will result. The above hypotheses regarding "Excess Reserves" are wrong for five reasons. 1) Lending comes first and what little reserves there are (if any) come later. 2) There really are no excess reserves. 3) Not only are there no excess reserves, there are essentially no reserves to speak of at all. Indeed, bank reserves are completely "fictional". 4) Banks are capital constrained not reserve constrained. 5) Banks aren't lending because there are few credit worthy borrowers worth the risk.

excess reserves; Fictional Reserve Lending; Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis; myth.

Mon 2009-12-21 19:22 EST

china study group >> Blog Archive >> America's Head Servant? The PRC's Dilemma in the Global Crisis

New Left Review has just published an article by Ho-fung Hung that: * sketches a history of the trade dependence of China on the US; * compares China to other industrializing East Asian countries and finds China an outlier, largely based on what Hung calls the urban bias of the Chinese state... Discuss!

America's Head Servant; blogs Archive; china study group; Global Crisis; PRC's Dilemma.

Mon 2009-12-21 19:18 EST

America's Head Servant? The PRC's Dilemma in the Global Crisis

...Despite all the talk of China's capacity to destroy the dollar's reserve-currency status and construct a new global financial order, the prc and its neighbours have few choices in the short term other than to sustain American economic dominance by extending more credit...the historical and social origins of the deepening dependence of China and East Asia on the consumer markets of the global North as the source of their growth, and on us financial vehicles as the store of value for their savings. I then assess the longer-term possibilities for ending this dependence, arguing that, to create a more autonomous economic order in Asia, China would have to transform an export-oriented growth model--which has mostly benefited, and been perpetuated by, vested interests in the coastal export sectors--into one driven by domestic consumption, through a large-scale redistribution of income to the rural-agricultural sector. This will not be possible, however, without breaking the coastal urban elite's grip on power.

America's Head Servant; Global Crisis; PRC's Dilemma.

Mon 2009-12-21 18:29 EST

China's Economy: Decoupling from what? - Drorism*

One of the most popular memes repeated by mainstream media since the collapse of Lehman Brothers last year is the idea that China will manage to avoid the consequences economic downturn by shifting from an export-based economy to one based on local consumption...the "decoupling" theory proved to be false: The downturn in the developed world had a significant impact on China's economic well-being, causing a dramatic rise in unemployment and a sharp slowdown in economic growth...A new study published by Professor Hung Ho-fung...compares China's development path to that of other Asian economies, including Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, and Hong Kong. It provides a concise summary of political and economic events in East-Asia since World War II as well as some colorful predictions and recommendations...

China s Economy; decoupled; Drorism.

naked capitalism Mon 2009-12-21 15:58 EST

Obama's demand that fat cats lend is no ode to Samuelson

...to-do about President Obama's fat cat remarks and his meeting with bankers exhorting them to lend...we are getting a bunch of populist rhetoric which is pure politics to induce banks to lend recklessly and save the economy when basic economics would tell you that there is a deficit of lending capacity and demand for credit. It is the absurd kabuki theater of depression economics...David Rosenberg...sees something altogether more cynical -- an orchestrated campaign to shame and bully banks into going against their fiduciary responsibility and lending irresponsibly again!...Easy money is not the solution, it is the problem. Jobs are the solution...fiscal policy is more effective than monetary policy in a depressionary environment. Quantitative easing is overrated.

fat cats lend; naked capitalism; Obama s demands; Ode; Samuelson.

zero hedge Fri 2009-12-18 13:20 EST

Focusing On (And Profiting From) The Upcoming Chinese Financial Crisis

Today's piece of contrarian economic insight comes once again from the strategists at SocGen, this time Dylan Grice, whose piece entitled "Popular Delusions: China's looming financial crisis will provide the next buying opportunity" is somewhat self explanatory. Not surprisingly, Dylan, who quotes the NBER, focuses on the overabundance of cheap credit as the catalyst that will ultimately topple the economy. Mr. Grice's conclusion: buy if you must, but wait for the credit bubble pop.

focused; profits; Upcoming Chinese Financial Crisis; Zero Hedge.

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