dimelab dimelab: shrinking the gap between talk and action.

York time Topic in The Credit Debacle Catalog

Disingenuous New York Times Story (1); front page New York Times story says (1); New York Times columnist (1); New York time (19); New York Times financial reporter Stephen Labaton (1); New York Times Gives Pride (1); New York Times headline Warren (1); New York Times heirs feeling paper's pain (1); New York Times identified Friedman (1); New York Times Pulls Punches (1); New York Times story (2).

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis Fri 2010-09-24 15:05 EDT

Elizabeth Warren Tossed a Bone and Appointed Geithner's Lapdog

Under guise of being handed an important role, Elizabeth Warren was shoved aside and tossed a bone by President Obama. One might not know it from the New York Times headline Warren to Unofficially Lead Consumer Agency...Unfortunately, no matter how much Obama tries to spin it, this has nothing to do with a "potentially contentious confirmation" but rather everything to do with Geithner winning the battle to marginalize her...

Appointed Geithner's Lapdog; bones; Elizabeth Warren Tossed; Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis.

Fri 2010-09-17 19:54 EDT

Obama's Thatcherite Gift to the Banks

I can smell the newest giveaway looming a mile off. The Wall Street bailout, health-insurance giveaway and support of real estate prices rather than mortgage-debt write-downs were bad enough, not to mention the Oil War's Afghan extension. But now comes a topper: the $50 billion transportation infrastructure plan that Obama proposed in Milwaukee -- cynically enough, on Labor Day. It looks like the Thatcherite Public-Private Partnership, Britain's notorious giveaway to the City of London underwriters. The financial giveaway had the effect of increasing prices for basic infrastructure services by building in heavy financial fees -- guaranteed for the banks, who lent the money that banks and property owners used to pay in taxes in more progressive times...This threatens to be the kind of tollbooth program that the World Bank and IMF have been foisting on hapless Third World populations for the past half-century. The ``infrastructure bank,'' reports The New York Times, ``would be run by the government but would pool tax dollars with private investment.'' It would be a test balloon for financing ``a broader range of projects, including water and clean-energy projects,'' for which Democrats already are drawing up a blueprint...

bank; Obama's Thatcherite Gift.

Fabius Maximus Wed 2010-08-25 09:31 EDT

The face of America's decline

...Mark Hurd, until recently CEO of HP. See the face of America's economic decline...from ``The Real Reason for Ousting H.P.'s Chief``, Joe Nocera, New York Times: [according to] Charles House, a former longtime H.P. engineer: The way H.P. made its numbers...was not just cutting any old costs, but by ``chopping R.&D.,'' which had always been sacred at H.P. The research and development budget used to be 9% of revenue, Mr. House told me; now it was closer to 2%. ``In the personal computer group, it is 0.7%''...Here we see America's formula for decline... 1. Fantastic pay for leaders 2. Stagnant pay for employees 3. Cutting jobs (efficiencies, forcing harder work, moving off-shore) 4. Slash investments in the future (capex, training, R&D)...

America s decline; Fabius Maximus; Faces.

billy blog Wed 2010-05-19 12:57 EDT

Naked Keynesianism

New York Times columnist and Nobel Prize winner Paul Krugman occasionally brushes up against an understanding of how the macroeconomy works. Some people actually have said to me that he does get it but chooses for political purposes not to disclose a full understanding of the basic principles of Modern Monetary Theory (MMT). Well in his most recent column -- We're Not Greece -- published May 13, 2010, I think you can conclude that when left to his own devices he doesn't have a clue about what is really happening in the macroeconomy. So today, we are exposing his mainstream (neo-classical) keynesian nakedness -- he is now naked and without clothes...

Billy Blog; Naked Keynesianism.

Sat 2010-04-17 14:12 EDT

Truthdig - Journalism's Parasites

... New York Times financial reporter Stephen Labaton] just announced he is taking a job with Goldman Sachs--a move that makes you wonder if Labaton watered down his Times coverage in order to get his new gig...Labaton knew Goldman probably wouldn't hire a muckraker who had been aggressively exposing bank transgressions. Then again, maybe Labaton did nothing wrong...

Journalism's Parasites; Truthdig.



The first time I spoke with real estate entrepreneur Andy Miller was in late 2007, when I asked him to serve on the faculty of a Casey Research Summit...what most intrigued me about Andy was that he had been almost alone among his peer group in foreseeing the coming end of the real estate bubble, and in liquidating essentially all of his considerable portfolio of projects near the top...he remains deeply concerned about the outlook for real estate...the United States home mortgage market has been nationalized without anybody noticing...If government support goes away, and it will go away, where will that leave the home market? It leaves you with a catastrophe...eventually the bond market is going to gag on the government-sponsored paper...commercial properties are not performing and that values have gone down, although I've got to tell you, the denial is still widespread, particularly in the United States and on the part of lenders sitting on and servicing all these real estate portfolios...The current volume of defaults is already alarming. And the volume of commercial real estate defaults is growing every month...When you hit that breaking point, unless there's some alternative in place, it's going to be a very hideous picture for the bond market and the banking system...second quarter 2010 is a guess...the FDIC and the Treasury Department have decided that rather than see 1,000 or 2,000 banks go under and then create another RTC to sift through all the bad assets, they'll let the banking system warehouse the bad assets. Their plan is to leave the assets in place, and then, when the market changes, let the banks deal with them. Now, that's horribly destructive...it's exactly a Japanese-style solution...The entire U.S. residential mortgage market has in effect been nationalized, but there wasn't any act of Congress, no screaming and shouting, no headlines in the Wall Street Journal or the New York Times...That's a template for what they could do with the commercial loan market.

insider's view; pragmatic capitalists; Real Estate Train Wreck.

naked capitalism Sun 2010-01-03 10:58 EST

On Goldman's (and Now Morgan Stanley's) Deceptive Synthetic CDO Practices (aka Screwing Their Customers)

Goldman is trying to diffuse the increasingly harsh light being turned on its dubious practices in the collateralized debt obligation market, with the wattage turned up considerably last week by a story in the New York Times that described how a synthetic CDO program called Abacus was the means by which Goldman famously went ``net short'' subprime....Goldman wanted its Abacus trades to fail. That was the most profitable course of action for them (note the Times clearly states that that was the role of the Abacus trades and Goldman has not disputed that claim). They were net short, this was no mere hedge of a long position but a trading bet. And those CDOs did turn out to be big turkeys...

aka Screwing; customer; Deceptive Synthetic CDO Practices; Goldman's; Morgan Stanley's; naked capitalism.

naked capitalism Wed 2009-10-14 12:03 EDT

New York Times: Missing in Action on Health Insurance Lobby Duplicity

...the dubious reporting object lesson is the New York Times, on what is supposedly its most prized beat: Washington DC political reporting. The Times ran two articles that verged on sycophantic in its coverage of the health insurance industry as it moved its chess pieces on the health care reform game board. The Times acted as close to a PR outlet...The Financial Times reports tonight that the health insurance industry, after its great show of making nice to the Obama administration, backstabbed it on the eve of a key vote. Do we see any coverage of this duplicity in the US media, much less the New York Times? [excellent commentary by kevin de bruxelles ``Washington General'' and DownSouth ``political theater, perfect dictatorship, and junkyard dogs'']

action; Health Insurance Lobby Duplicity; missing; naked capitalism; New York time.

The Baseline Scenario Thu 2009-10-08 16:52 EDT

The Problem with Securitization

The New York Times has a story on ``Paralysis in the Debt Markets'' which says, basically, that credit has dried up because of lack of demand for asset-backed securities. In English, that means that since no one wants to invest in securities that are made out of home mortgages, the people who originate mortgages have no place to sell the mortgages to, so they don't have any money to lend. And this is also true of commercial real estate, student loans, and so on. For example, ``A once-thriving private market in securities backed by home mortgages has collapsed, from $744 billion in 2005, at the peak of the housing boom, to $8 billion during the first half of this year.''...the private market may never recover. The boom in securitization was based on investors' willingness to believe what investment banks and credit rating agencies said about these securities.

Baseline Scenario; problem; securitizations.

Thu 2009-09-17 10:36 EDT

Milton Friedman and the Economics of Empire

Excerpt from Greg Grandin's Empire's Workshop. (Milton Friedman, Chile, Arnold Harberger, General Augusto Pinochet's military government, shock treatment) Not only had Nixon, the CIA, and ITT, along with other companies, plotted to destabilize Allende's "democratic road to socialism," but now a renowned University of Chicago economist, whose promotion of the wonders of the free market was heavily subsidized by corporations such as Bechtel, Pepsico, Getty, Pfizer, General Motors, W.R. Grace, and Firestone, was advising the dictator who overthrew him on how to complete the counterrevolution -- at the cost of skyrocketing unemployment among Chile's poor. The New York Times identified Friedman as the "guiding light of the junta's economic policy," while columnist Anthony Lewis asked: if "pure Chicago economic theory can be carried out in Chile only at the price of repression, should its authors feel some responsibility?"

economic; Empire; Milton Friedman.

naked capitalism Tue 2009-09-01 19:06 EDT

More Bogus Bailout Reporting: ``As Big Banks Repay Bailout Money, U.S. Sees a Profit''

Clearly, the spin is in...The fact that we have such patent garbage running as a front page New York Times story says either the reporter and his editors lack the ability to think critically (or find sources who could do that for them) or that we have a controlled press. Bogus NYT reporting.

Big Banks Repay Bailout Money; Bogus Bailout Reporting; naked capitalism; profits; U.S. Sees.

Thu 2009-02-26 00:00 EST

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Bleeding Times

New York Times heirs feeling paper's pain

Bleeding Times; Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis.

Fri 2009-01-16 00:00 EST

naked capitalism: Disingenuous New York Times Story on Global Imbalances

Disingenuous New York Times Story; Global Imbalances; naked capitalism.

Fri 2009-01-16 00:00 EST

naked capitalism: New York Times Gives Pride of Place to Economists Who Badly Misread Downturn

Badly Misread Downturn; Economist; naked capitalism; New York Times Gives Pride; place.

Fri 2009-01-16 00:00 EST

naked capitalism: Woefully Misleading Piece on Value at Risk in New York Times

naked capitalism; New York time; Risk; valued; Woefully Misleading Piece.

Thu 2009-01-15 00:00 EST

naked capitalism: New York Times Pulls Punches On Wall Street Bubble Era Pay

``It was looting, and it is high time the media starts describing it in those terms.''

naked capitalism; New York Times Pulls Punches; Wall Street Bubble Era Pay.

Sun 2008-11-23 00:00 EST

naked capitalism: New York Times: Citi Woes Due to Lousy Risk Controls, Plus Prince's and Rubin's Strategy

entertaining comments!

Citi Woes; Lousy Risk Controls; naked capitalism; New York time; Prince's; Rubin's Strategy.