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Unqualified Reservations Fri 2009-12-18 10:03 EST

Expiring liquidity facilities: bad plan, Stan

I predict: serious financial disturbances will occur on or before February 1, 2010. Or soon thereafter...I also have a serious - ie, verifiable - prediction. I predict that before the end of 2010, probably well before the end of 2010, possibly even before the beginning of 2010, the Fed will be forced to renew these facilities or others like them. In other words, I predict that its attempt to kick the liquidity junk will not succeed. In the end, I believe all these "temporary" facilities will become substantively permanent - just like the original LF, deposit insurance.

Bad plans; Expiring liquidity facilities; Stan; Unqualified Reservations.

Jesse's Café Américain Tue 2009-12-01 22:16 EST

Draining the Swamp: The Fed's Tri Party Repo Machine

A triparty repo transaction is a transaction among three parties: a cash lender acting on behalf of all holders of dollars (the Fed), a borrower that will provide collateral (dodgy debt holder in shaky financial condition), and a clearing bank, most likely a primary dealer like J.P. Morgan, which is only too happy to collect its fees as an agent of the Fed... This is the method of obtaining toxic assets from the books of non-primary dealers, and providing stability and liquidity from the aggregate value of all dollar holders to cover the misdeeds of diverse financial institutions and other favored parties. In other words, the Fed is draining the financial debt swamp and toxic waste dumps into your basement, if you hold Federal Reserve Notes.

drain; Fed's Tri Party Repo Machine; Jesse's Café Américain; swamping.

Fri 2009-11-20 09:59 EST

Interfluidity :: Sympathy for the Treasury

On Monday, I was among a group of eight bloggers who attended a discussion with "senior Treasury officials" in Washington...Although the format of our meeting did not lend itself to forging deep relationships, I was flattered and grateful for the meeting and left with more sympathy for the people I spoke to than I came in with. In other words, I have been corrupted, a little...The most interesting aspect of the meeting was anthropological, getting a look at how senior Treasury officials behaved, how they interacted with us and what kind of a thing this was to them. It was a two hour meeting, but different groups of officials came at us in shifts, and stayed with us for 20 to 40 minutes. The tone of the meeting was open, earnest, and informal. But somehow, it never felt like we connected, like there was a lot of actual communication occurring.

Interfluidity; sympathy; Treasury.

Dr. Housing Bubble Blog Fri 2009-11-20 08:25 EST

Fannie Mae and Wells Fargo Announce Creative Mortgage Solutions: A New Thing Called Renting. Option ARM Scenarios, Lease for Deed, and Delaying the Financial Future.

Last week, foreclosure Hall of Fame member and government stepchild Fannie Mae announced a stunning $18.9 billion loss. Remember last year when we were told that bailing out the enormous Government Sponsored Entities that we would be turning a profit? Well that didn't exactly pan out and both Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have been a vortex for taxpayer money. With that said, Fannie Mae announced a ``lease for deed'' program that will essentially convert struggling homeowners to that feared word, renters. In the same week after Attorney General Jerry Brown sent his letter to the top option ARM wheelers and dealers in California, Wells Fargo came out with its ingenious solution. Wells Fargo has decided, at least as it stands, to convert their Pick-A-Pay option ARMs into glorious interest only loans for periods of six to ten years.

deed; delays; Dr. Housing Bubble Blog; Fannie Mae; financial future; leased; New Thing Called Renting; Option ARM Scenarios; Wells Fargo Announce Creative Mortgage Solutions.

naked capitalism Thu 2009-11-19 10:33 EST

Guest Post: Herding the Sheep

Financial insider and commentator Yves Smith wrote an essay last week entitled ``MSM Reporting as Propaganda'' arguing that the government has been using propaganda to make people think that things are getting better, no one is angry, and -- therefore -- no one should get upset...Is Smith right? And even if she is, isn't ``propaganda'' too strong a word?...Even if true, propaganda is too strong a word for attempts to convince people that important issues are boring, that no one else is angry about them, and that everything is normal. Perhaps ``herding the wayward sheep'' would be better . . .

Guest Post; Herd; naked capitalism; sheep.

Fri 2009-10-23 09:40 EDT

The Extinction of Ethics in Finance and Resulting Fallout

A look into the repercussions of a financial system gone mad. Where trust is an illusion. Ethics merely a word in a forgotten dictionary. The Fed, the government, Wall Street, and even the lowly stock broker or financial advisor -- all a den of thieves.

ethically; extinction; finance; resulting fallout.

ClubOrlov Wed 2009-08-26 15:33 EDT

Welcome to Fuffland!

In the unfolding global financial collapse, it is not just our accounts and balance sheets that come up short, but our language as well. What do you call a bunch of liar loans packaged into toxic assets and placed on the balance sheet of the Federal Reserve as collateral for rescue loans? J,K. Galbraith has proposed the term ``Bezzle,'' taking it to mean the eternal ebb and flow of questionable transactions within an economic cycle. Rational actors cut corners during easy times when they know no-one is looking, and then play nice again when the times change and someone starts paying attention again. But I believe that the phenomenon we are observing is something different: we need a word that describes the artifacts generated in response to irrational actors... A fuffle is an artful fake, an artifact specifically made to fool, beguile, seduce, or intimidate people into paying for it. Examples include suburbans houses and associated mortgage financing, SUVs, debt-financed college education, privately funded 401k retirement plans, US Treasury securities.

ClubOrlov; Fuffland; welcome.

ClubOrlov Wed 2009-08-26 11:24 EDT

Definancialisation, Deglobalisation, Relocalisation

This talk was presented at The New Emergency Conference in Dublin, on June 11, 2009. ``we all have to prepare for life without much money, where imported goods are scarce, and where people have to provide for their own needs, and those of their immediate neighbours'' ``Most of the wealth is in very few private hands right now. Governments and the vast majority of the people only have debt. It is important to convince people who control all this wealth that they really have two choices. They can trust their investment advisers, maintain their current portfolios, and eventually lose everything. Or they can use their wealth to reengage with people and the land in new ways, in which case they stand a chance of saving something for themselves and their children. They can build and launch lifeboats, recruit crew, and set them sailing.'' 1. Good morning. The title of this talk is a bit of a mouthful, but what I want to say can be summed up in simpler words: we all have to prepare for life without much money, where imported goods are scarce, and where people have to provide for their own needs, and those of their immediate neighbours. I will take as my point of departure the unfolding collapse of the global economy, and discuss what might come next. It started with the collapse of the financial markets last year, and is now resulting in unprecedented decreases in the volumes of international trade. These developments are also starting to affect the political stability of...

ClubOrlov; Definancialisation; Deglobalisation; relocalisation.

Thu 2009-07-30 00:00 EDT

naked capitalism: William Black Uses the "F" Word A Lot

-- banking fraud

F; lot; naked capitalism; William Black Uses; words.

Fri 2009-06-26 00:00 EDT

Jesse's Café Américain: A Final Word on Inflation and Deflation

Jesse's Café Américain: A Final Word on Inflation and Deflation; ``serious monetary inflation is triggered by excessive government debt obligations, and not private debt, that can no longer be adequately serviced by a productive real economy and domestic taxation...the output gap is no sure barrier to this type of inflation is that it ironically serves to feed it in the presence of profligate government spending, since it dampens tax revenues and domestic GDP.

deflation; final words; Inflation; Jesse's Café Américain.

Mon 2009-04-06 00:00 EDT

Bill Moyers Journal . Transcripts | PBS

ex-banking regulator William K. Black calls fraud: ``make really bad loans, because they pay better. Then you grow extremely rapidly, in other words, you're a Ponzi-like scheme. And the third thing you do is we call it leverage. That just means borrowing a lot of money, and the combination creates a situation where you have guaranteed record profits in the early years. That makes you rich, through the bonuses that modern executive compensation has produced. It also makes it inevitable that there's going to be a disaster down the road.''

Bill Moyers Journal; PBS; Transcript.

Wed 2009-04-01 00:00 EDT

naked capitalism: More on That Dirty Word "Nationalization" and Possible Approaches

Dirty Word; naked capitalism; nation; Possible Approach.

Tue 2008-10-28 00:00 EDT

Hussman Funds - Weekly Market Comment: Four Magic Words - "We Are Providing Capital" - October 13, 2008

``Stocks are now measurably undervalued''

2008; Hussman Funds; magic words; October 13; provide capital; weekly market comments.

Thu 2008-07-03 00:00 EDT

Faustian economics:

Hell hath no limits--By Wendell Berry (Harper's Magazine); "Our true religion is a sort of autistic industrialism"; "our 'identity' is located not in the impulse of selfhood but in deliberately maintained connections"; "in the phrase 'free market,' the word 'free' has come to mean unlimited economic power for some, with the necessary consequence of economic powerlessness for others"; "we confuse limits with confinement...our human and earthly limits, properly understood, are not confinements but rather inducements to formal elaboration and elegance, to _fullness_ of relationship and meaning"; "we want to make our economic landscapes sustainably and abundantly productive, we must do so by maintaining in them a living formal complexity something like that of natural ecosystems. We can do this only by raising to the highest level our mastery of the arts of agriculture, animal husbandry, forestry, and, ultimately, the art of living."

Faustian economics.

Wed 2008-06-04 00:00 EDT

Jesse's Café Américain: Lehman Is Still In Trouble Despite All the Calming Words to the Market

Jesse's Café Américain: Lehman Is Still In Trouble Despite All the Calming Words to the Market

Calming Words; Jesse's Café Américain; Lehman; Market; Troubles.

Thu 2007-09-13 00:00 EDT

naked capitalism: Scary Words From Martin Wolf: End of Global Imbalances

ending; Global Imbalances; Martin Wolf; naked capitalism; Scary words.

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