dimelab dimelab: shrinking the gap between talk and action.

Geithner's Topic in The Credit Debacle Catalog

Appointed Geithner's Lapdog (1); Australian Prime Minister Savages Geithner's Performance (1); Geithner s action (2); Geithner s called (1); Geithner s public private Partnership (1); Geithner's charges (1); Geithner's Disgrace (1); Geithner's dubious AIG cover (1); Geithner's Faustian bargain (2); Geithner's Galling (1); Geithner's Game (1); Geithner's Gift (1); Geithner's Hedge-Fund Bailout Illegal (2); Geithner's Heist America Plan (1); Geithner's plan (2); Geithner's PPIP plan (1); Geithner's Record (2); Geithner's team ended (1); New York Fed President Timothy Geithner's (1); Tim Geithner's (1).

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis Fri 2010-09-24 15:05 EDT

Elizabeth Warren Tossed a Bone and Appointed Geithner's Lapdog

Under guise of being handed an important role, Elizabeth Warren was shoved aside and tossed a bone by President Obama. One might not know it from the New York Times headline Warren to Unofficially Lead Consumer Agency...Unfortunately, no matter how much Obama tries to spin it, this has nothing to do with a "potentially contentious confirmation" but rather everything to do with Geithner winning the battle to marginalize her...

Appointed Geithner's Lapdog; bones; Elizabeth Warren Tossed; Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis.

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis Mon 2010-09-13 15:53 EDT

Debating the Flat Earth Society about Hyperinflation

Over the past few weeks, many people have asked me to comment on John Hussman's August 23, 2010 post Why Quantitative Easing is Likely to Trigger a Collapse of the U.S. Dollar. Most wanted to know how that article changed my view regarding deflation. It didn't...I was asked about a guest post by Gonzalo Lira on Zero Hedge. I had seen the article and I made an off-the-cuff statement that the post was so silly it was not worth commenting not...Commenting on the above is tantamount to debating the flat earth society. The premise is so silly it's not worth discussing, yet here I am trapped into discussion by a mischaracterization of my statement "Hyperinflation Ends The Game"...The commonality between Zimbabwe and Weimar is they are both political events. In Zimbabwe a political event triggered capital flight, in Weimar a political event started massive printing, triggering hyperinflation...To understand how powerless the Fed is, one needs to understand the difference between credit and money, how much the former dwarfs the latter...Hyperinflation could theoretically come from massive sustained political will to bail out the little guy at the expense of the banks, the wealthy, and the political class. However, unlike Mugabe and Zimbabwe, neither the banks nor the Fed nor the political class wants to bail out the poor at the expense of the wealthy. Indeed, Bernanke's, Paulson's, and Geithner's actions to date have done the exact opposite!...

Debate; Flat Earth Society; Hyperinflation; Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis.

New Deal 2.0 Sat 2010-02-27 22:55 EST

GSE Losses As Shadow Bailout

...As the private sector started to dump housing and housing bonds quickly in 2007 and 2008, government officials made sure that the GSEs would be capable of absorbing these bad loans...This constitutes one part of many ``shadow bailouts'' according to Roosevelt Institute senior fellows Rob Johnson and Tom Ferguson; this argument, and the graph above, is from their Too Big to Bail: The `Paulson Put,' Presidential Politics, and the Global Financial Meltdown Part II paper. (In Part I, they argue that the Federal Home Loan Bank System was also used in a similar manner.) Astute readers will notice that the action of government officials using public funding sources to provide makeshift backstops for losses of the banking sector to clear the balance sheets of toxic assets to ``unlock the frozen credit market'', without having to go to Congress for funding, was also a central feature of Geithner's PPIP plan, with FDIC stepping up to the plate once the GSEs went bust...

0; GSE losses; new dealing 2; Shadow Bailout.

naked capitalism Fri 2010-01-08 19:33 EST

Geithner's dubious AIG cover up

...This was looting and a cover-up plain and simple...Damaging e-mails have revealed that Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner urged AIG to withhold crucial information about the deterioration of its financial condition in the lead up to its demise...He was on the job when these firms levered up and took reckless risks that endangered our financial system. For him to absolve himself of responsibility is a disgrace. And to add insult to injury, we now learn that he urged a systemically important company to withhold evidence of his looting of taxpayers. Tim Geithner must go.

Geithner's dubious AIG cover; naked capitalism.

New Deal 2.0 Mon 2009-11-30 13:44 EST

Geithner's Disgrace

he issue has been festering for months: Why were AIG's counterparties -- including Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, and UBS -- paid 100 cents on the dollar when the feds rescued the insurance giant, helping raising the cost of the bailout to nearly $200 billion? A new report issued by Special Inspector General Neil Barofsky now reveals that government officials, notably then -- New York Fed President and current Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, grievously damaged the nation and capitulated to the very banks they should have been supervising.

0; Geithner's Disgrace; new dealing 2.

The Full Feed from HuffingtonPost.com Wed 2009-11-25 12:11 EST

Geithner Singled Out In TARP Watchdog Neil Barofsky's Scathing Report On AIG Bailout

In its bailout last fall of the insurance giant AIG, a team led by current Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner failed nearly every step of the way, according to a scathing report released Monday by a government watchdog. Instead of bargaining with AIG's numerous counterparties to resolve its billions of dollars in souring derivatives contracts, Geithner's team ended up funneling payments for those toxic derivatives to AIG's counterparties at "an amount far above their market value at the time," the report notes.

AIG Bailout; com; full Feeds; Geithner singled; HuffingtonPost; TARP watchdog Neil Barofsky's scathing report.

Wed 2009-11-25 09:59 EST

Hussman Funds - Weekly Market Comment: "Should Come as No Shock to Anyone" - November 16, 2009

The big picture is this. There is most probably a second wave of mortgage defaults in the immediate future as a result of Alt-A and Option-ARM resets. Yet our capacity to deal with these losses has already been strained by the first round that largely ended in March. The Federal Reserve has taken a massive amount of mortgage-backed securities onto a balance sheet that used to be restricted to Treasury securities. The purchase of these securities is reflected by a surge in cash reserves held by banks. Not only are the banks not lending these funds, they are contracting their loan portfolios rapidly. Ultimately, in order to unwind the Fed's position in these securities, it will have to sell them back to the public and absorb those excess reserves, so to some extent, the banking system can count on losing the deposits created by the Fed's actions, and can't make long-term loans with these funds anyway. Increasingly, the Fed has decided to forgo the idea of repurchase agreements (which require the seller to repurchase the security at a later date), and is instead making outright purchases of the debt of government sponsored enterprises (GSEs such as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac). Again, the Fed used to purchase only Treasuries outright, but it is purchasing agency securities with the excuse that these securities are implicitly backed by the U.S. government. This strikes me as a huge mistake, because it effectively impairs the Fed's ability to get rid of the securities at the price it paid for them, should Congress change its approach toward the GSEs. It simultaneously complicates Congress' ability to address the problem because Bernanke has tied the integrity of our monetary base to these assets. The policy of the Fed and Treasury amounts to little more than obligating the public to defend the bondholders of mismanaged financial companies, and to absorb losses that should have been borne by irresponsible lenders. From my perspective, this is nothing short of an unconstitutional abuse of power, as the actions of the Fed (not to mention some of Geithner's actions at the Treasury) ultimately have the effect of diverting public funds to reimburse private losses, even though spending is the specifically enumerated power of the Congress alone.

2009; comes; Hussman Funds; November 16; shocks; weekly market comments.

Jesse's Café Américain Thu 2009-11-19 10:51 EST

Tim Geithner's $14 Billion Gift of Taxpayer Funds to Goldman Sachs: Crisis Profiteering?

Tim Geithner should be given the option to resign immediately, or be fired. He is either incompetent, too conflicted to do his job with the banks properly, or possibly both. Stephen Friedman should be investigated for $5.4 million in profits made through potential insider trading. His breach of fiduciary responsibility as chairman of the NY Fed is shocking. The entire integrity of the Federal Reserve bank should be called into question. There is no place for the Fed to be the primary regulator of the financial system given their penchance for secrecy and cronyism, and their inability to manage their own shop from such scandalous conflicts of interest...

14; Crisis Profiteering; gifts; Goldman Sachs; Jesse's Café Américain; taxpayer funds; Tim Geithner's.

zero hedge Tue 2009-10-13 20:07 EDT

Global Central Banks Join The "Short Dollar" Bandwagon

A recent piece by Barclay's Steven Englander demonstrates how everybody and the kitchen sink is soundly amused by Geithner's call for a strong dollar. "The IMF Composition of Official Foreign Exchange Reserves data suggest that central banks are doing more than talking about reducing the concentration of USD in their reserve portfolios. They are actually acting on their statements." [dollar losing reserve currency status]

bandwagon; Global Central Banks Join; short dollar; Zero Hedge.

Credit Writedowns Mon 2009-09-14 14:43 EDT

Murder-Suicide in Chimerica

threading the events of 2008 and 2009 together makes a compelling case that the Chinese -- U.S. marriage is coming apart...GSE collapse, Geithner's charges of Chinese currency manipulation, Chairman Wen slamming the U.S. as a profligate nation, stimulus bill buy-American provision, a steady drumbeat of ditch-the-dollar talk coming out of China, Chinese central bank head Zhou's call for a new international reserve currency, Obama's chinese tire tariff was ``proverbial serving of divorce papers''. Expect prices to rise, look for Chinese retaliation on U.S. poultry and auto products...This marriage is over. The question is whether it will end gradually and peacefully in divorce or violently in murder-suicide.

Chimerica; credit writedowns; murder suicide.

Tue 2009-06-16 00:00 EDT

AlterNet: Is Geithner's Game Up? Damning Report Calls BS on His Smoke-and-Mirrors Bank Rescue Plan

by Mike Whitney; Elizabeth Warren; COP TARP report

AlterNet; Damning Report Calls BS; Geithner's Game; Mirrors Bank Rescue Plan; Smoke.

Tue 2009-06-16 00:00 EDT

Is Geithner's Hedge-Fund Bailout Illegal? | Mother Jones

Is Geithner's Hedge-Fund Bailout Illegal? by Zach Carter | Mother Jones; ``yet another windfall for the rascals who got us here''

Geithner's Hedge-Fund Bailout Illegal; Mother Jones.

Tue 2009-06-16 00:00 EDT

naked capitalism: John Dizard: Geithner's and Citi's Days Numbered

Citi's Days Numbered; Geithner's; John Dizard; naked capitalism.

Wed 2009-05-20 00:00 EDT

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Geithner's Gift To Pimco

Geithner's Gift; Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis; PIMCO.

Wed 2009-05-20 00:00 EDT

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: More Ugly Details Emerge On "Geithner's Heist America Plan"

Geithner's Heist America Plan; Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis; ugly details emerge.

Tue 2009-04-21 00:00 EDT

naked capitalism: Guest Post: Geithner's Faustian bargain, the general interest, Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Uncle Sam's lost inner compass

naked capitalism: Guest Post: Geithner's Faustian bargain, the general interest, Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Uncle Sam's lost inner compass, by Swedish Lex

Geithner's Faustian bargain; general interest; Guest Post; Jean-Jacques Rousseau; naked capitalism; Uncle Sam's lost inner compass.

Tue 2009-04-21 00:00 EDT

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Geithner's Galling (and Dangerous) Plan For Bad Bank Assets

Bad Bank Assets; dangers; Geithner's Galling; Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis; plans.

Tue 2009-04-21 00:00 EDT

naked capitalism: Guest post: Can Geithner's public-private partnership get it done?

Edward Harrison

Geithner s public private Partnership; Guest Post; naked capitalism.

Tue 2009-04-21 00:00 EDT

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Geithner's Plan Can Succeed

...in avoiding a hit to bondholders at seemingly any taxpayer cost

Geithner's plan; Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis; succeed.

Tue 2009-04-21 00:00 EDT

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Geithner's Plan, a Gigantic Confidence Game

Geithner's plan; Gigantic Confidence Game; Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis.

Wed 2009-04-01 00:00 EDT

naked capitalism: Former Australian Prime Minister Savages Geithner's Performance in the Asian Crisis

Asian Crisis; Australian Prime Minister Savages Geithner's Performance; naked capitalism.

Wed 2008-12-10 00:00 EST

naked capitalism: Chris Whalen Looks at Geithner's Record and Finds it Sorely Wanting

Chris Whalen Looks; find; Geithner's Record; naked capitalism; Sorely Wanting.

Tue 2008-11-25 00:00 EST

naked capitalism: Chris Whalen Looks at Geithner's Record and Finds it Sorely Wanting

Chris Whalen Looks; find; Geithner's Record; naked capitalism; Sorely Wanting.

Sun 2008-11-23 00:00 EST

naked capitalism: New York Fed President Timothy Geithner's Not-So-Reassuring Speech


naked capitalism; New York Fed President Timothy Geithner's; Reassuring Speech.